MongoDB: How to create and query a view

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, offers a dynamic schema that enables you to store documents of varying structures. One powerful feature of MongoDB is its ability to create views. A view in MongoDB is a stored query that you can query against as if it were a collection. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into how to create and query views in MongoDB, moving from basic examples to more advanced use cases.

Introduction to MongoDB Views

MongoDB views are virtual collections that represent the result of an aggregation operation. Unlike physical collections, views do not store data. They are dynamically generated from an underlying base collection. This feature is particularly useful for providing a read-only interface to the data, sharing data without exposing sensitive details, and presenting data in a different structure from the stored data.


To get the most out of this tutorial, you should have:

  • MongoDB installed on your machine or access to a MongoDB database.
  • Basic understanding of MongoDB operations and syntax.
  • Access to the `mongo` shell or MongoDB Compass for executing commands.

Creating a Basic View

To start, let’s create a basic view that filters out some documents from a collection. Suppose we have a collection called `users` containing documents with fields `name`, `age`, and `email`.

db.createView("YoungUsers", "users",
        { $match : { age : { $lt : 30 } } }

The above command creates a view called `YoungUsers`, filtering out users older than 30 years. This view will dynamically generate its contents from the `users` collection using the specified filter.

Querying a View

Querying a MongoDB view is identical to querying a regular collection. You can use the standard MongoDB query commands. For instance, to find all documents in the `YoungUsers` view, you would use the following command:


This will return all documents that satisfy the view’s filter criteria.

Combining Aggregation Operators

Views in MongoDB are not limited to simple filtering. You can combine multiple aggregation operators to create more complex views. For example, to create a view that first filters users under 30 and then groups them by age, use the following command:

db.createView("GroupedByAge", "users",
        { $match : { age : { $lt : 30 } } },
        { $group : { _id : "$age", count : { $sum : 1 } } }

This command creates a view called `GroupedByAge`, which not only filters out users older than 30 but also groups the remaining users by age, providing a count of users for each age.

Using Views for Data Transformation

Views can also be used for transforming the data structure. For example, to project only certain fields, rename them, or even add new fields computed from existing data. For instance, creating a view that projects the `name` and `email` of users, along with a new field called `isAdult` that identifies if the user is 18 or older, would look something like this:

db.createView("UserDetails", "users",
            $project : {
                name : 1,
                email : 1,
                isAdult : { $gte : ["$age", 18] }

This view, `UserDetails`, now includes only the selected fields and computational logic to determine adulthood.

Advanced View Creation: Joining Collections

MongoDB also supports creating views that involve joining documents from different collections using the `$lookup` aggregation stage. For example, assuming a collection `orders` that references `users` by a `userId` field. To create a view that combines user and order details, execute:

db.createView("UserOrders", "users",
        { $lookup: {
                from: "orders",
                localField: "_id",
                foreignField: "userId",
                as: "orders"

This view, `UserOrders`, incorporates documents from both `users` and `orders`, showing each user and their associated orders.


Views in MongoDB offer a powerful way to visualize data without duplicating or altering the original collection. They facilitate data abstraction, transformation, and even aggregation through a dynamic, queryable interface. Utilizing views can significantly simplify data access patterns and foster a more efficient approach to data handling and representation.