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Fixing Mongoose TransientTransactionError in Node.js Projects

Last updated: December 30, 2023

Understanding TransientTransactionError

When working with Mongoose, the connection to MongoDB is critical, and handling transactions is a part of maintaining data integrity. A TransientTransactionError typically arises when the operation within a transaction cannot be completed successfully due to a transient issue, such as a networking problem or a failover event in the database cluster. What makes these errors ‘transient’ is that retrying the same operation could succeed without any changes.

Steps to Resolve the Issue

To fix a TransientTransactionError, you must make sure that your transactions are being retried properly after a failure, and you should ensure your Mongoose and MongoDB versions meet the transaction requirements.

Implementing Retries

One of your initial approaches to resolve a TransientTransactionError might include implementing a retry mechanism in your Node.js application. This usually involves enclosing the operations within the transaction in a retry loop that will make several attempts before giving up. Here’s where asynchronous functions like async/await shine by allowing a precise flow for retry logic.

Upgrading Versions

Check and upgrade your Mongoose version and ensure you use a MongoDB server that supports retryable writes and transactions. Versions and configurations must meet the requirements for these features to function correctly.

Error Handling and Monitoring

Enhancing error handling and incorporating a monitoring strategy can help manage and diagnose TransientTransactionErrors more effectively. Catch specific errors and log detailed information to understand the reason behind the errors better.

Server Configuration

Finally, review your MongoDB cluster configuration. Ensure that the cluster can sufficiently handle your operational load and that suitable failover mechanisms are in place. Adjust settings and resources as necessary.

Example Code

The example below illustrates a simplified way of executing a mongoose operation with transaction retry logic:

import mongoose from 'mongoose';
const runWithTransaction = async (operation) => {
  const session = await mongoose.startSession();
  try {
    const result = await operation(session);
    await session.commitTransaction();
    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    await session.abortTransaction();
    throw error;
  } finally {

const retryOperation = async (operation) => {
  let attempted = 0;
  const maxRetries = 3;
  while (true) {
    try {
      return await runWithTransaction(operation);
    } catch (error) {
      if ( !== 'TransientTransactionError' || attempted >= maxRetries) {
        throw error;
// Usage
async function exampleTransactionOperation(session) {
  // your transactional code goes here

(async () => {
  await retryOperation(exampleTransactionOperation);

Next Article: Fix: Mongoose Duplicate Key Error with Upsert

Previous Article: Mongoose: How to populate a subdocument after creation

Series: Mongoose.js Tutorials


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