Using BigInt Schema Type in Mongoose

Updated: December 30, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Handling large integers in Mongoose has become straightforward with the BigInt schema type. This article explores its integration and practical usage in Node.js applications.

Before we dive into BigInts, ensure that you have Node.js installed, along with Mongoose, and that you’re familiar with JavaScript’s latest syntax features.

BigInt Basics

The native JavaScript BigInt type allows us to work with integer values that exceed the limits of the Number type. Here’s how to define a BigInt in Mongoose:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const mySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  largeNumber: mongoose.Schema.Types.BigInt

Storing Large Numbers

To store values that exceed Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, use a BigInt:

const MyModel = mongoose.model('MyModel', mySchema);

async function saveBigNumber() {
  const largeValue = BigInt('9007199254740993');
  const document = new MyModel({ largeNumber: largeValue });
  console.log('Saved large number:', largeValue.toString());


Querying BigInt Fields

Querying documents with BigInt fields is similar to using regular numbers. Here’s an example:

async function findBigNumber() {
  const result = await MyModel.find({ largeNumber: BigInt('9007199254740993') });
  console.log('Found document:', result);


Advanced Usage

For handling more complex cases such as aggregation or large numerical operations, Mongoose’s BigInt type can be very powerful:

async function aggregateBigNumbers() {
  const aggregationResult = await MyModel.aggregate([
      $match: {
        largeNumber: { $gt: BigInt('9007199254740992') }
      $group: {
        _id: null,
        maxLargeNumber: { $max: '$largeNumber' }
  console.log('Aggregation Result:', aggregationResult);



Working with BigInts in Mongoose requires careful type casting and understanding of JavaScript’s limitations when it comes to number precision. Always serialize BigInts to strings when sending over a network or logging.

There might be issues related to the dynamic nature of JavaScript’s typing system. Using TypeScript or thorough validation can help mitigate potential problems.


BigInts in Mongoose offer a robust solution for dealing with large integers. With correct implementation and attention to JavaScript’s intricacies, they seamlessly integrate into a Node.js application’s data layer.