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How to Use Singular Table Names in Sequelize.js

Last updated: December 29, 2023


Sequelize.js is a robust ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library for Node.js. By default, Sequelize pluralizes table names, assuming that each model will be associated with a table that holds multiple entries or records. However, for various reasons, you might prefer to use singular table names. This guide covers the steps and best practices for using singular table names in Sequelize.js, ensuring your application’s database structure aligns with your specific requirements.

Understanding Sequelize Naming Conventions

Before diving into the configurations, let’s understand the default behavior of Sequelize.js. Sequelize follows the convention that table names should be plural nouns, which fits well with the fact that a table is a collection of rows representing multiple entities. This philosophy is built into the Sequelize library, but it can be overridden if needed.

Configuring Sequelize for Singular Table Names

Changing the table name to be singular is a simple process in Sequelize. It can be done globally or on a per-model basis.

// Global configuration
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
  define: {
    freezeTableName: true

// Per-model configuration
const User = sequelize.define('User', {
  // model attributes
}, {
  freezeTableName: true

Defining Models with Singular Table Names

Once configured, you must define your models with the precise table name you wish to use. Sequelize will no longer make any assumptions about the table names.

const User = sequelize.define('User', {
  // model attributes
}, {
  freezeTableName: true,
  tableName: 'User'

Relationships and Associations with Singular Table Names

When using singular table names, you must also be attentive to defining associations. As Sequelize expects pluralized names by default, you will need to specify the exact table names when setting up relationships between models.

User.hasMany(Project, {
  foreignKey: 'userId',
  sourceKey: 'id',
  as: 'projects'

Project.belongsTo(User, {
  foreignKey: 'userId',
  targetKey: 'id',
  as: 'user'

Advanced Considerations for Using Singular Table Names

When working with migrations or complex associations, the use of singular table names requires additional attention. Make sure that references and join tables are explicitly named to avoid any conflicts or confusion with Sequelize’s pluralization logic.

Customizing Migrations for Singular Table Names

Your migration files should also maintain consistency with the singular naming pattern you’ve established for your application’s models.

module.exports = {
  up: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
    await queryInterface.createTable('User', {
      // table columns
  down: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
    await queryInterface.dropTable('User');

Handling Edge Cases

Be aware of any potential edge cases, such as third-party tools or integrations that might expect table names to be plural. Extensive testing and adherence to clear documentation are essential when deviating from the default behavior of an ORM like Sequelize.js.


In this tutorial, we discussed the steps required to configure Sequelize.js to use singular table names, emphasizing the importance of consistency throughout your codebase. With proper configuration and attention to detail in relationships and migrations, you can effectively use singular table names in your Sequelize-based projects.

Next Article: How to Convert Entity to Plain Object in Sequelize.js

Previous Article: Sequelize.js: How to Drop FOREIGN KEY Constraints

Series: Sequelize.js Tutorials


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