Mastering the Date schema type in Mongoose

Updated: December 30, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Managing dates and times is an essential aspect of data modeling in any database system. In MongoDB, date formatting and manipulation can be both versatile and complex. This tutorial will guide you through the intricacies of utilizing the Date schema type within Mongoose – the popular Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js. From the simplest usage of Date fields to more advanced techniques such as querying and indexing date fields, you will come away with a robust understanding of handling datetime in Mongoose effectively.


Mongoose serves as a powerful bridge between MongoDB and the Node.js environment, allowing for sophisticated schema definitions, data validation, and query building amongst other features. Date types in Mongoose are backed by JavaScript’s native Date object, making manipulation familiar but requiring careful handling, especially in regard to time zones and ISO date standards.

By default, Mongoose converts dates to the application’s local time zone. It becomes especially important to consider this behavior when working across different time zones and storing data that needs a standardized format, such as UTC.

To maximize the functionality and avoid common pitfalls with Date types in Mongoose, your schemas need to be defined accurately, and operations regarding dates—such as sorting, formatting, and querying—need to be handled with care.

Defining Date Fields in Mongoose

Defining a date field in a Mongoose schema is straightforward:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const mySchema = new Schema({
  createdAt: Date

However, often applications need to automatically record the creation and modification times of a document. In such cases, Mongoose provides a shortcut:

const mySchema = new Schema({
  // custom fields here
}, { timestamps: true });

With the timestamps option enabled, Mongoose automatically adds createdAt and updatedAt fields to your schema, and manages those fields for you.

Date Formatting and Time Zones

While the native Date object is well-integrated into JavaScript, dealing with time zones and formatting can lead to confusion. You can store dates in UTC by default as follows:

const moment = require('moment-timezone');

const dateInUTC = moment().utc().toDate();

To retrieve or present dates in a specified time zone or format:

const formattedDate = moment(dateInUTC).tz('America/New_York').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');

Querying Date Fields

Now, let’s look at how you might query documents based on their Date fields. For instance, you could find all the documents created after a specific date:

const oneWeekAgo = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 7));

mongoose.model('MyModel').find({ createdAt: { $gt: oneWeekAgo } });

Using Date Fields with Aggregate Functions

You may also encounter situations where you need to use date fields with MongoDB’s aggregate functions. For example:

  { $match: { createdAt: { $gte: startOfTheYear } } },
  { $group: {
     _id: { month: { $month: '$createdAt' } },
     total: { $sum: 1 } // summing the documents per month
  } }

Indexing Date Fields

Date fields can also significantly benefit from indexing, especially in contexts where you frequently query, sort, or aggregate data based on the date:

mySchema.index({ createdAt: 1 }); // Ascending index

Dealing with Limitations and Edge Cases

It’s vital to remain cognizant of JavaScript and MongoDB’s Date limitations. Since the underlying JavaScript Date object only supports milliseconds precision and not microseconds, that’s the finest granularity you’ll get in Mongoose. Moreover, time zone anomalies or leap seconds can bring their share of challenges.


this tutorial has walked you through various elements of the Date schema type in Mongoose, we hope you have gained insights that will empower you to manage date fields elegantly and effectively within your MongoDB/Mongoose-driven applications. Remember to always consider time zone implications, query dates with their context in mind, and utilize indexing for performance gains. Happy coding!