This concise article will walk you through some different approaches to migrating a database with the help of Sequelize.js and Node.js.
Solution 1: Manual Data Export and Import
Description: A straightforward approach to migrate data by manually exporting from the source database as a file and then importing the file into the target database. This sometimes involves tools specific to the DBMS (Database Management System), such as mysqldump
for MySQL.
- Export data from source database to a file using native database tools or Sequelize’s query interface.
- Import the data file into the target database using another set of native database tools or by reading the file content with Sequelize’s query interface.
// Using Sequelize's query() for both export and import
// Exporting Data
sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM source_table INTO OUTFILE \'/path/to/dump.csv\' FIELDS TERMINATED BY \\',\' LINES TERMINATED BY \'\n\'',
{ type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT });
// Importing Data
fs.readFile('/path/to/dump.csv', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
sequelize.query('LOAD DATA INFILE \'/path/to/dump.csv\' INTO TABLE target_table FIELDS TERMINATED BY \\',\' LINES TERMINATED BY \'\n\'');
Pros: Simple and does not require complex tools; Works well for a one-time migration.
Cons: Lack of automation; Not suitable for continuous synchronization; Potential compatibility issues with different database systems.
Solution 2: Sequelize Seeders
Description: Using Sequelize Seeders to reproducibly and programmatically transfer data from one database to another. This approach automates the data migration process through seed files, which are executed using Sequelize CLI.
- Create a seeder file that will obtain data from the source database.
- Modify the seeder file to insert the data into the target database.
- Use Sequelize CLI to run the migration on the target database.
Code example:
// Using Sequelize CLI seeders
// Generating Seeder
sequelize seed:generate --name data-migration
// Seeder logic (put as part of the generated seeder file)
module.exports = {
up: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
// Assuming source data is already fetched and placed into sourceData variable
await queryInterface.bulkInsert('target_table', sourceData, {});
down: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
// Clean up if needed
// Running Seeder
sequelize db:seed --seed data-migration
Pros: Scripted method provides repeatability; Can be integrated into more complex workflows.
Cons: Seeders are generally used for initial data load and not for continuous data synchronization; May require additional scripting to handle complex data relationships.
Solution 3: Custom Migration Script With Sequelize
Description: Developing a custom Node.js migration script using Sequelize to handle synchronization between databases. This approach can be used to achieve a more controlled and continuous data migration flow using JavaScript and Sequelize as an intermediary to manage transformations.
- Set up Sequelize instances for both source and target databases.
- Fetch the source data with Sequelize.
- Perform any necessary transformation or cleaning of data in the script.
- Insert or update the data in the target database with Sequelize.
Code example:
// Custom migration script using Sequelize
const { sequelizeSource, sequelizeTarget } = require('./sequelize-instances');
async function migrateData(modelName, whereClause) {
const sourceData = await sequelizeSource.models[modelName].findAll(whereClause);
await sequelizeTarget.models[modelName].bulkCreate( => data.get({ plain: true })), {
updateOnDuplicate: Object.keys(sequelizeSource.models[modelName].rawAttributes)
// Running migration
migrateData('User', { where: { active: true } });
Pros: Allows complex transformations and control; Ideal for ongoing synchronization.
Cons: Development time required; Potentially complex depending on data schemas.
That’s it. Happy coding & have a nice day!