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Fixing Next.js Hydration Mismatch Error in Simple Ways

Last updated: January 02, 2024

Understanding the Hydration Mismatch Error

Dealing with hydration errors in Next.js can be challenging, especially without a clear grasp of what the term ‘hydration’ entails. Simply put, hydration is the process where a JavaScript framework takes over the static content that was rendered by the server and makes it interactive on the client-side. This process is crucial for the application to become fully reactive to user interactions. When Next.js renders a page on the server (SSR or SSG), it sends the HTML to the client along with associated JavaScript to enable this interactivity. A hydration mismatch occurs when the rendered content on the server does not match what the client-side JavaScript expects to find.

This discrepancy can stem from various origins, such as conditional rendering based on window size or user interactions that do not correspond across server and client. The framework expects a perfect match between the output from the server and the initial render on the client. When it does not get what it expects, you see the hydration mismatch error.

Identifying the Cause of the Error

To effectively troubleshoot this error, you must first identify what part of your codebase could be causing the mismatch. Being able to consistently reproduce the error can be highly helpful here, along with detailed inspection of the console warnings that often pinpoint the exact element or component that’s causing a problem.

Strategy for Fixing the Hydration Mismatch Error

Once you’ve narrowed down the problematic code, the next step is to strategize on fixing the hydration mismatch. It’s crucial at this step to ensure that your server-rendered HTML matches the initial client-side render fully. One Source of such issues is when certain data is only available client-side. To fix the mismatch, you should ensure that data affecting render becomes available before the component attempts to render.

Moreover, avoid side-effects in your components outside of useEffect hooks, and when using useEffect, make sure you’re not triggering a re-render with an unexpected change in the DOM which wasn’t accounted for in the initial server render. Reworking on the parts of your code that rely on browser-specific objects like window, or document is also critical because these are not present during server-side rendering.

One of the newest features in Next.js that can conveniently eliminate hydrating issues is the use of useServerInsertedHTML to safely insert HTML that doesn’t affect layout, which especially makes it useful for things like metadata. Also, familiar features like useClientEffect that run only on the client can be employed to avoid discrepancies caused by effects that manipulate the DOM.

Complete Code Example to Fix Hydration Mismatch Error

Let’s consider a common scenario where a component uses window size to conditionally render content which typically causes hydration errors. Next.js 13’s useClientWidth and useClientHeight hooks ensure that these measurements are fetched after hydration, therefore preventing any mismatches.

import { useClientWidth, useClientHeight, Image } from 'next';

export default function ResponsiveImage() {
  const width = useClientWidth();
  const height = useClientHeight();

  // Decide which image to load based on the width
  const src = width < 768 ? '/mobile-image.jpg' : '/desktop-image.jpg';

  // Only specify width and height if they've been measured
  const imageProps = width && height ? { width, height } : {};

  return (
      <Image src={src} alt="Responsive image" {...imageProps} />

This code defines a ResponsiveImage component that uses the browser’s window dimensions to determine whether to load a mobile or desktop image. By using useClientWidth and useClientHeight hooks, we ensure the measurements are performed client-side, preventing any server/client mismatch during the initial load, thus mitigating the hydration error.

In conclusion, fixing a hydration mismatch error in Next.js involves careful debugging to locate the source of mismatch and employing appropriate Next.js features or hooks that align server-rendered content with initial client renders. The above strategies and code example should prove handy in resolving these mismatches and enhancing the stability of your Next.js applications.

Next Article: Next.js Error: Cannot use import statement outside a module

Previous Article: Solving Next.js CORS Issues: A Comprehensive Guide

Series: Common Errors in Next.js


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