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Next.js: You’re importing a component that needs useState

Last updated: December 14, 2023

The world of web development is continuously evolving, and with it, more challenges that developers face. One such issue, particularly in the context of the popular frontend framework Next.js, revolves around Server Components and Client Components. The error message:

You're importing a component that needs useState. It only works in a Client Component but none of its parents are marked with 'use client', so they're Server Components by default.

can be quite daunting for many developers. In this detailed guide, we’ll dissect this issue, understand why it occurs, and explore viable solutions.

Understanding the Problem

Server Components vs. Client Components

By default, Next.js uses Server Components in its new app directory. Here, JSX is compiled into “pure HTML” and then sent to the browser. This setup is reminiscent of traditional backends with templating engines, such as Express paired with EJS or Laravel with Blade, and is primarily implemented for performance enhancement.

Server Components permit developers to better utilize server infrastructure. For instance, large dependencies that would previously impact the JavaScript bundle size on the client can now entirely remain on the server. This setup improves performance and makes writing a React application feel like coding in PHP or Ruby on Rails but with the power and flexibility of React for UI templating.

However, Server Components are not designed to contain browser-specific elements like click handlers or hooks like useState. If your component requires these features, you’ll need to explicitly mark it as a Client Component using the 'use client' declaration.

Encountering the Error

The error ReactServerComponentsError: You're importing a component that needs useState typically arises when you’re importing a component that relies on useState or any other client-specific functionality into a Server Component.


Marking Components as Client Components

The most straightforward solution to this problem is to mark the component using the client-specific hook as a Client Component. You can do this by adding the 'use client' declaration at the top of the file. Here’s an example of how to transform a Server Component into a Client Component:

// Before
import { useEffect } from 'react';
export default function Example() {
import { useState } from 'react';

const Card = () => {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
    return <></>

export default Card;

// After
'use client';
import { useState } from 'react';

const Card = () => {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
    return <></>

export default Card;

In the After section, you can see that the 'use client' directive has been added to indicate that this is a Client Component.

Handling Client-Specific Libraries

Sometimes you might need to import a client-specific library into a Server Component. In such cases, you can create a dedicated file for the library and mark it with 'use client'. Here’s how you can do it:

// lib/mui.js
"use client";
export * from "@mui/material";

You can then import it from there, ensuring that other parts of the page remain Server Components:

// app/page.js
import { Button } from "../lib/mui";
export default function Page() {
 return ( 
    <Button variant="contained">Hello World</Button> 

Setting up Context and Store

If you’re getting a similar error while setting up a context, you should add it to its own file marked with 'use client':

// app/theme-provider.tsx
"use client";
import { createContext } from "react";
export const ThemeContext = createContext("");
export default function ThemeProvider({ children }) {
  return (
     <ThemeContext.Provider value="dark">

You can then import it from there in your Server Component:

// app/layout.js
import ThemeProvider from './theme-provider';
export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
   return (

Similarly, if your store uses client logic and you’re trying to populate it in a Server Component, you’ll need to move it to a ‘use client’ marked file.

Using a Global Store or Context

If you’re setting up a global store or context to share data between Server Components, you may need to reconsider your approach. Since Server Components are not interactive and do not read from React state, you don’t need the full power of context to share data. You can use native JavaScript patterns like global singletons within module scope if you have common data that multiple Server Components need to access.


Next.js server components are powerful and efficient, but they can sometimes throw errors when dealing with client-specific functionality. Understanding the difference between Server Components and Client Components, and knowing when and how to use ‘use client’, can help you effectively debug and resolve these issues. As we’ve seen, solutions can range from marking components as Client Components, handling client-specific libraries, setting up context and store, and even reconsidering the use of a global store or context. With these strategies in your toolkit, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any Server Component errors head-on.

Next Article: [Solved] Next.js Warning: Text Content Did Not Match

Previous Article: Next.js Warning: Extra attributes from the server [solved]

Series: Common Errors in Next.js


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