MySQL 8: How to add a prefix to auto-incremented column values

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of databases, unique identification of records is a must for efficient data retrieval, and MySQL doesn’t disappoint. Auto-increment columns in MySQL tables are one seamless way to achieve this- creating unique identifiers for records without breaking a sweat. The MySQL 8 version adds improvements to this feature, but developers sometimes may require more than just a number: perhaps a prefixed identifier that adds context or improves readability for a user. This guide showcases how to add a prefix to auto-incremented values in MySQL 8.

Understanding Auto-Increment

Before diving into prefixed numbers, it’s crucial to understand what AUTO_INCREMENT is. In MySQL, an AUTO_INCREMENT attribute can be used on a column to generate a unique identity for new rows. Let’s start with a basic example:

    order_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
    order_details VARCHAR(255),
    PRIMARY KEY (order_id)

In this case, order_id will automatically get a unique, incrementing number for each new record. Now let’s see how you could transform this into a prefixed identifier.

Utilizing a Trigger

MySQL does not provide a native way of adding prefixes directly to auto-increment columns. However, with some creativity, you can still achieve this by using a separate column and a BEFORE INSERT trigger. Here’s what you would do:

    order_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
    prefixed_order_id VARCHAR(50),
    order_details VARCHAR(255),
    PRIMARY KEY (order_id)

CREATE TRIGGER before_order_insert
    SET NEW.prefixed_order_id = CONCAT('ORD', LPAD(NEW.order_id, 8, '0'));

This trigger ensures that before a new record is inserted, the prefixed_order_id column gets populated with the value ‘ORD’ followed by the order_id padded with zeros to a fixed length.

Handling Inserts

After setting up the trigger, you’re almost done. New inserts into orders table will automatically have a prefixed id. Here’s how to insert a new order:

INSERT INTO orders (order_details) VALUES ('Item details here');

When you now query the orders table:

SELECT * FROM orders;

You will see something like this:

| order_id | prefixed_order_id | order_details |
|        1 | ORD00000001       | Item details here          |

Advanced Customization

What if you want a more dynamic prefix, such as one that includes the current year? You can update the trigger to achieve this:

CREATE TRIGGER before_order_insert
    DECLARE year_prefix VARCHAR(4);
    SET year_prefix = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y');
    SET NEW.prefixed_order_id = CONCAT(year_prefix, 'ORD', LPAD(NEW.order_id, 5, '0'));

The prefixed_order_id column now would display values like ‘2022ORD00001’ injecting the year into your identifier.

Considerations and Best Practices

Add prefix to the auto-incremented ids can be a good cosmetic addition to your data model but comes with a few notes of caution:

  • Triggers can add overhead to your database transactions, especially on large-scale systems.
  • Make sure you have a good data type choice for the prefixed field as values must accommodate the prefix plus the maximum length of IDs.
  • Prefixes should be meaningful to maintain simplicity and efficiency when querying data.

Even though MySQL doesn’t natively support prefixed auto-incremented values, you can work around this limitation using triggers and careful table design. This approach allows for much flexibility and offers the benefit of generating more context-rich, human-readable identifiers that can be beneficial from a business perspective. Use this power responsibly and remember to consider the potential performance implications.


In this tutorial, we learned how to add a prefix to auto-incremented column values in MySQL 8 using triggers to augment and customize our data identification system. Implementing such a feature requires forethought into the system design and diligent testing to ensure that it seamlessly fits into the application’s functionality. While it’s a workaround from the basic capabilities of MySQL, creative use of existing features like triggers bridges the gap effectively producing a result that satisfies a broad range of user needs and enhances data readability.