MySQL: How to Sort Rows by Multiple Columns

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Sorting data is one of the most fundamental and widely-used operations in database management. When working with MySQL, you often need to sort the results of your queries, and MySQL provides versatile ways to order your dataset. Understanding how to sort rows by multiple columns can greatly enhance the readability and functionality of your data retrieval. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on sorting rows by multiple columns and includes practical code examples.

Basic Sorting with the ORDER BY Clause

The ORDER BY clause in MySQL is used to sort the result set of a query by one or more columns. When sorting by a single column, the syntax looks like this:

SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY column1 ASC;


| column1  | other_column|
| value1   | ...         |
| value2   | ...         |

This will sort the output in ascending order based on column1. If you want to sort in descending order, you replace ASC with DESC:

SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY column1 DESC;

Sorting by Multiple Columns

Now let’s see how you can sort by more than one column. You can achieve this by listing the columns separated by commas:

SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY column1 ASC, column2 DESC;

This will first sort by column1 in ascending order and then by column2 in descending order.


| column1  | column2     |
| value1   | valueB      |
| value1   | valueA      |
| value2   | valueD      |
| value2   | valueC      |

Primary versus Secondary Sorting

In multi-column sorting, the first column listed in the ORDER BY clause is considered the primary key for sorting. If two rows have the same value in the primary sort column, then the second column listed becomes the tiebreaker..

Sorting with Functions and Expressions

MySQL also allows you to sort the result based on functions or expressions. This offers additional flexibility. For example, you could sort by the length of a string in a column:

SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY LENGTH(column1) DESC, column2 ASC;


| column1  | column2     |
| longer_value | value2  |
| value1       | value1  |
| value3       | value3  |

Sorting and Limiting Results

Oftentimes, you might want to limit the number of rows returned by a query. You can combine the ORDER BY clause with the LIMIT clause to first sort the results, then limit them:

SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY column1 DESC, column2 ASC

This will return the first 10 results after sorting.

Using Sorting and Limiting for Pagination

Using ORDER BY in combination with LIMIT and OFFSET can create a simple pagination mechanism:

SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY column1, column2

This will skip the first 20 results and give you the next 10, which is useful for displaying page 3 (if each page shows 10 items).

Advanced Sorting Techniques

Sorting by Case Expression

You can use a CASE expression in your ORDER BY clause to sort based on custom criteria or a predefined condition. Here’s an example:

SELECT * FROM your_table
    WHEN column1 = 'special_value' THEN 0
    ELSE 1
END ASC, column3 DESC;


| column1      | column3      |
| special_value| valueB       |
| value1       | valueD       |
| value2       | valueA       |

This sorts all rows with special_value in column1 first.

Sorting Using User-Defined Variables

For more complex sorting, you might want to use user-defined variables. Let’s say we want to sort by the occurrence count of values in a column:

SET @rank := 0;
SELECT column1, @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank
FROM your_table
ORDER BY column1 DESC;

Here the @rank variable is used to create a running total that ranks each row.


Sorting rows by multiple columns in MySQL is a powerful feature that can help organize and analyze data more effectively. By mastering basic sorting commands and incorporating advanced techniques, you can handle complex data retrieval tasks with ease.