MySQL 8: How to select all columns except password column

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Gaining knowledge of handling secure data appropriately is vital for everyone working with databases. In MySQL, you’re often required to query a dataset but exclude sensitive columns such as the password column. In this comprehensive tutorial, you’ll learn how to select all columns except for the password column in MySQL 8, using various methods that range from basic to more advanced techniques.

Before we dive in, it is important to remember never to store plain-text passwords in your database. It’s best to store hashed passwords and to make sure communication with your database is secure as well.


Ensure you have the following before starting:

  • A running MySQL 8 server
  • Basic understanding of SQL queries
  • Access to a user account with necessary privileges

Selecting Columns Explicitly

The most basic method to avoid selecting the password column is simply not to mention it in your SELECT query:

SELECT id, username, email, date_of_birth FROM users;

This works well when you have a table with a manageable number of columns. However, as the number of columns increases, this method becomes impractical.

Using Wildcard with Exceptions

As of the date of this writing, MySQL does not natively support a SELECT syntax to exclude specific columns with a wildcard. A common approach is to first list the column names and then exclude manually. However, you can use views or prepare a list of columns dynamically.

Creating a View

One workaround is creating a view that does not contain the password column:

SELECT id, username, email, date_of_birth FROM users;

Thereafter, you can select from the view instead of the actual table:

SELECT * FROM user_details;

Note that changes to the users table structure won’t be automatically reflected in the view. If the users table changes, the view should be updated accordingly.

Dynamically Excluding Columns

To exclude password column dynamically, you could use a stored procedure to construct a query string which includes all columns except the ones you want to exclude:


CREATE PROCEDURE SelectWithoutPassword()
    SET @query = (SELECT CONCAT('SELECT ', GROUP_CONCAT(column_name ORDER BY ordinal_position), ' FROM users')
                  FROM information_schema.columns
                  WHERE table_name = 'users'
                    AND table_schema = 'your_database_name' -- Make sure to replace with your actual database name.
                    AND column_name != 'password');

    PREPARE stmt FROM @query;
    EXECUTE stmt;


Once you have your stored procedure, you can invoke it.

CALL SelectWithoutPassword();

This example dynamically stitches together a SQL query, excluding the password column and executes it. Be advised that using dynamic SQL can expose your database to SQL injection risks if not carefully handled.

Export and Import

If you’re looking to export data without the password column, using tools like MySQLdump with the --ignore-columns option would be useful:

mysqldump your_database_name users --ignore-table=users.password > users.sql

Keep in mind this will only export your data without the password column and can work around selective data dumps.

Using NULL for the Password Column

If you can’t modify the structure and only want to neutralize the sensitive data when retrieving it, you may consider replacing the password column with NULL:

SELECT id, username, email, date_of_birth, NULL AS password FROM users;

This allows you to maintain the structure of your results but effectively redacts the sensitive data.


In this tutorial, we explored different methods of selecting all columns, excluding the password column, from a MySQL database. While MySQL does not directly provide a wildcard exception mechanism, we can use views, dynamic SQL, or the replacement with NULL values as alternatives to achieve our goal, ensuring that sensitive data is handled appropriately.