MySQL 8: How to create a table with auto-increment ID

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with databases is an essential skill for backend developers, and one of the most common tasks when managing databases is creating tables with proper indexing. MySQL, one of the most popular relational database management systems, offers a feature that automatically manages unique index values—auto-incrementation. This tutorial will walk you through the creation of a MySQL table with an auto-increment ID, illustrating the process from the basic steps to more advanced practices. We’ll dive into MySQL 8, the latest version as of my knowledge cutoff in early 2023, which includes additional features such as improved JSON support and enhanced performance.

Getting Started with Auto-Increment ID in MySQL 8

Let’s start with the basics. When you are designing a MySQL table that requires a unique identifier for each row, using the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute in your table schema can save you a lot of time and prevent key conflicts. Here’s a simple example of what the SQL statement might look like:

    username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

In the SQL statement above, the id column is declared as an integer type (INT) and is also marked with AUTO_INCREMENT. By setting id as the PRIMARY KEY, we ensure each value is unique and is indexed efficiently. When you insert new rows into the users table, you don’t need to specify a value for the id field; MySQL will automatically assign a unique one, starting at 1 and increasing by 1 with each new row.

Understanding Auto-Increment Behavior

An important aspect of working with auto-incrementing fields is understanding how MySQL handles deletions. If you delete a row, the auto-increment value does not reset. This means that inserting new records after a deletion will continue to increase the auto-increment value despite the gaps.

Consider this example:

-- Inserting records
INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES
('alice', '[email protected]'),
('bob', '[email protected]');

-- Deleting a record
DELETE FROM users WHERE username='alice';

-- Inserting another record
INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES
('charlie', '[email protected]');

-- Inspecting the table
SELECT * FROM users;

In this case, the user ‘alice’ will be assigned the id 1 and ‘bob’ the id 2. After deleting ‘alice’, inserting ‘charlie’ will result in an id of 3, skipping the now-vacant id 1 slot.

Changing the Auto-Increment Initial Value and Increment Rate

Sometimes the default auto-increment setup of starting at 1 and increasing by 1 might not be suitable for your needs. Luckily, MySQL provides ways to alter both the start value and the increment rate. Here’s an example:

CREATE TABLE invoices (
    user_id INT NOT NULL,
    amount DECIMAL(10, 2) NOT NULL

By specifying AUTO_INCREMENT=1000, the first invoice_id generated will start at 1000.

To change the increment rate, you can use the auto_increment_increment setting:

-- Set the auto-increment rate to 10
SET @@auto_increment_increment=10;

After running this setting in your session, your auto-increment values will now increase by 10 instead of the default 1. This change will be session-specific unless altered in your database configuration.

Advanced Usage of Auto-Increment in MySQL 8

As you become more familiar with auto-incremented fields, you might need to deal with more complex scenarios, such as multi-tenant databases or shared tables where you want to ensure that each customer has their own auto-increment sequence.

MySQL allows you to use auto-increment fields in conjunction with another column. Known as composite auto-increment, this can be useful for multi-tenant databases where you need a unique key per tenant:

CREATE TABLE tenant_orders (
    tenant_id INT NOT NULL,
    order_details VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, order_id)

In the above example, each tenant will have their own sequence of order_id starting from 100, which auto-increments independently.

Resetting the Auto-Increment Value

There may be times when you need to reset your auto-increment value, particularly during development or testing phases. You can reset the auto-increment value like so:

-- Resetting the auto-increment to the highest current 'id' + 1

This command will reset the auto-increment to the next highest available integer after the highest id present in the table which, for an empty table, will effectively reset it to 1.

Error Handling and Best Practices

A much-needed aspect of working with auto-increment fields is proper error handling. Attempting to insert a value into an auto-increment column will result in an error if the value conflicts with existing values or falls outside the acceptable range of the column’s data type. Ensure you handle these cases in your code, usually by omitting the auto-increment column from your INSERT statements and letting MySQL handle the assignment of ID values.

It’s also recommended to accurately estimate the maximum number of entries you expect in your tables and choose an appropriate data type for the auto-increment column. For tables expected to have fewer than 2^32 rows, an INT type is sufficient, but for larger tables, consider using BIGINT to avoid running out of values.


Creating tables with an auto-increment ID in MySQL 8 is a straightforward yet powerful technique. When used correctly, it simplifies the management of unique identifiers and allows developers to maintain data integrity within their databases. As this tutorial illustrated, whether you’re working on simple applications or complex multi-tenant systems, understanding and applying the features of auto-incrementing in MySQL can improve database performance and reliability.