Using IF…THEN Statements in MySQL 8

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Structured Query Language (SQL) forms the backbone of many modern data-driven applications, offering a rich set of commands to manipulate and query relational databases. As with other programming languages, control-flow constructs are integral to SQL’s ability to execute code conditionally. In MySQL, one of the prominent control-flow constructs is the IF…THEN statement, especially within stored procedures and functions.

In this tutorial, we will delve into the essence of using IF…THEN statements in MySQL 8. We will uncover the syntax and explore how to implement various logical scenarios with a series of code examples to guide us through the learning process. This will not only enhance our understanding of conditional logic in SQL but also equip us with practical skills to optimize database queries and procedures.

Understanding IF…THEN Statements

The IF…THEN statement in MySQL allows you to execute a block of SQL code if a condition is true. The basic syntax for the IF…THEN construct is as follows:

  IF condition THEN
    -- Statements to execute if the condition is true

This structure lays the foundation for more complex decision-making processes within stored procedures and functions in MySQL. It enables SQL programmers to guide the flow of execution based on varying conditions that can be evaluated within the database queries.

Setting Up a Basic IF…THEN Example

Let’s launch our tutorial with a simple example to create a stored procedure that uses an IF…THEN statement.

CREATE PROCEDURE GetAccountStatus(IN account_id INT)
  DECLARE account_status VARCHAR(10);

  SELECT status INTO account_status FROM accounts WHERE id = account_id;

  IF account_status = 'ACTIVE' THEN
    SELECT 'Account is active.' AS StatusMessage;
    SELECT 'Account is inactive or does not exist.' AS StatusMessage;

In the above code, we check the status of an account from the ‘accounts’ table. If the account is active, a message ‘Account is active.’ is displayed, otherwise, another message ‘Account is inactive or does not exist.’ is shown to the user.


Beyond a binary choice, you can add one or more ELSEIF clauses in an IF…THEN statement to handle multiple conditions:

  IF condition1 THEN
    -- Block of statements executed when condition1 is true
  ELSEIF condition2 THEN
    -- Block of statements executed when condition2 is true
    -- Block of statements executed when none of the above conditions are true

Here’s an extended version of the aforementioned procedure with an ELSEIF:

CREATE PROCEDURE CheckAccountLevel(IN account_id INT)
  DECLARE account_level INT;

  SELECT level INTO account_level FROM accounts WHERE id = account_id;

  IF account_level > 500 THEN
    SELECT 'Platinum account.' AS AccountType;
  ELSEIF account_level > 200 THEN
    SELECT 'Gold account.' AS AccountType;
  ELSEIF account_level > 100 THEN
    SELECT 'Silver account.' AS AccountType;
    SELECT 'Standard account.' AS AccountType;

Every account level corresponds to a distinct type of account, and the IF…THEN…ELSEIF logic effectively captures this relationship.

Using IF…THEN in SQL Queries

Besides being used within stored procedures and functions, the IF…THEN logic can sometimes appear directly in SQL queries using the CASE statement, which resembles IF…THEN logic in its ability to handle conditional logic, as shown in the following snippet:

  WHEN score > 90 THEN 'Excellent'
  WHEN score > 75 THEN 'Good'
  WHEN score > 50 THEN 'Fair'
  ELSE 'Poor'
END AS Performance
FROM student_scores;

In this case, each student’s performance level is categorized based on their score.

Best Practices for using IF…THEN

While IF…THEN statements are powerful tools, they should be used judiciously within your database logic. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that conditions within IF statements are not too complex to decipher or evaluate.
  • Be cautious of nested IF statements, as they can become unwieldy and significantly impact performance.
  • Utilize comments to describe the purpose or logic of your IF statements for better readability.
  • Consider alternative constructs, such as CASE statements, where applicable, to maintain simplicity.


In summary, the IF…THEN statement in MySQL 8 brings a level of programming logic that allows for the efficient handling of conditional operations. Through careful implementation and adherence to best practices, one can construct sophisticated queries and procedures that address complex data operations with precision and reliability. Whether you’re making decisions in your SQL queries or orchestrating the flow of a stored procedure, a solid grasp of IF…THEN can greatly enhance the modularity and effectiveness of your SQL code.