MySQL 8: 3 ways to import an SQL file to a database

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Importing an SQL file into a MySQL database is a common task for database administrators and developers. In MySQL 8, there are several methods to achieve this based on the situation and user preferences. This article discusses some of these solutions and guides you on how to use them.

Solution 1: Using the MySQL Command-Line Tool

The MySQL command-line tool is a built-in interface for interacting with MySQL databases. It is suitable for both small and large SQL files.

  • Step 1: Open your terminal or command prompt.
  • Step 2: Navigate to the directory where your SQL file is located.
  • Step 3: Use the following command to import your SQL file:
  • mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql
  • Step 4: Enter your database password when prompted.


mysql -u root -p my_database < backup.sql Enter password: ********

Output: The output won’t be visible on the command line unless there are errors during the import process.

Notes: This method is straightforward and works easily on both local and remote servers. However, for large files, the command line might not be the best due to potential timeout issues.

Solution 2: Using phpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin is a widely-used web-based tool for managing MySQL databases. It is user-friendly, making it great for beginners.

  • Step 1: Open phpMyAdmin in your web browser.
  • Step 2: Select the database you wish to import your SQL file into from the left sidebar.
  • Step 3: Click on the ‘Import’ tab at the top of the page.
  • Step 4: Click ‘Choose File’ and select the SQL file from your computer.
  • Step 5: Click ‘Go’ at the bottom of the page to start the import process.

Notes: PhpMyAdmin has an upload limit which is generally set in the PHP configuration (`php.ini`), often restricting this method to smaller SQL files. It’s user-friendly but may not be feasible for large database imports.

Solution 3: Using MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is an official GUI tool for MySQL. It provides advanced features which are useful if you need to visualize database schemas or perform complex queries.

  • Step 1: Open MySQL Workbench and connect to your database.
  • Step 2: From the navigation menu, choose ‘Server’ > ‘Data Import’.
  • Step 3: Select the option ‘Import from Self-Contained File’.
  • Step 4: Click the ‘…’ button to browse for your SQL file.
  • Step 5: Select the appropriate database from the ‘Default Schema to be Imported To’ dropdown menu.
  • Step 6: Click ‘Start Import’ to begin the import process.

Notes: MySQL Workbench can handle larger files than phpMyAdmin, but it may still struggle with extremely large databases. It also requires the installation of additional software.


In summary, while there are various methods to import SQL files into MySQL 8 databases, the best approach varies based on file size, server access, and user familiarity with the tools. For small to medium-sized files, either the MySQL command line or phpMyAdmin works well, while MySQL Workbench can be used for more complex tasks and larger files. It’s important to be aware of the limitations and benefits of each method to choose the most effective solution for your use case.