Understanding CHECK constraint in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Ensuring the integrity of the data within a database is crucial for maintaining the reliability and performance of any software application. MySQL 8 introduced an enhanced feature called the CHECK constraint, which helps enforce domain integrity by limiting the values that can be placed in a column. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to use CHECK constraints in MySQL 8 with practical examples that range from the basic to the advanced.

What is a CHECK Constraint?

A CHECK constraint is a type of integrity constraint in SQL that specifies a condition all values in a column must meet for an INSERT or UPDATE operation to be successful. When a CHECK constraint is violated, the database system will reject the change to the data, maintaining the integrity of the dataset.

Setting Up the Database

-- Create a simple database for our examples
USE CheckConstraintDemo;

Basic Usage of CHECK Constraints

To understand the basic usage of the CHECK constraint, we’ll start by creating a table with constraints on various columns.

-- Create a table with a simple check constraint
CREATE TABLE Employees (
  name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
  age INT,
  CHECK (age >= 18)

To test our CHECK constraint, let’s try inserting data that violates the condition that ‘age’ should be 18 or more.

-- Illegal insert: the age value is lower than the constraint permits
INSERT INTO Employees (id, name, age) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 17);

This action will trigger an error, indicating that the CHECK constraint was violated.

Advanced Examples of CHECK Constraints

Beyond simple conditions, CHECK constraints can involve multiple columns and complex conditional logic. Let’s explore some advanced scenarios.

Using Logical Operators

-- Create a table with a complex check constraint
  product_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  price DECIMAL(10,2),
  discount DECIMAL(10,2),
  CHECK (price > 0 AND discount >= 0 AND discount < price)

In this example, the CHECK constraint enforces that price is always positive, discount is non-negative, and discount is never greater than price.

Using Enumerated Values

-- Ensuring a 'status' column only holds specific values
  order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  order_status ENUM('New', 'Processing', 'Shipped', 'Cancelled'),
  CHECK (order_status IN ('New', 'Processing', 'Shipped', 'Cancelled'))

This ensures that only the enumerated values are accepted for the ‘status’ field.

Adding a CHECK Constraint to an Existing Table

-- Alter an existing table to add a CHECK constraint
ADD CONSTRAINT chk_age_valid CHECK (age >= 16);

Here, we’ve added a constraint that mandates an Employees ‘age’ is at least 16.

Deferring a CHECK Constraint (MySQL 8 does NOT support this)

It’s important to note that, unlike some other SQL database management systems, MySQL does not support deferring a CHECK constraint. This means that in MySQL 8, the CHECK constraint is always immediately enforced upon data modification.


Throughout this guide, we’ve learned the essential knowledge for defining and utilizing CHECK constraints in MySQL 8. Incorporating them properly ensures the enforcement of specific rules on your data columns, increasing data integrity and business logic validity within your database applications.