Spatial Data Types in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of databases, storing and querying spatial data is an essential functionality for applications that deal with geographical information systems (GIS), location-based services, and similar fields. MySQL 8 has introduced a robust set of features to handle spatial data effectively. This guide aims to provide a practical understanding of the spatial data types available in MySQL 8 and how to use them in day-to-day database operations.

What is Spatial Data?

Spatial data, often referred to as geospatial data, relates to the positions, shapes, and orientation of objects on the Earth’s surface. It is stored and represented in various forms such as points, lines, and polygons. In MySQL, this data is managed using spatial data types based on the OpenGIS Consortium’s Spatial Reference System for Geography Markup Language (GML).

Setting Up Your Environment

To use spatial data types, ensure you have MySQL 8 or later installed. You can verify your MySQL version using the following command:

mysql --version

For this guide, we will also use a sample database named geo_data. You can create this database with the following command:


Once the database is ready, you can proceed to use SQL commands to define spatial columns and manipulate spatial data.

Defining Spatial Columns

In MySQL, a spatial column is defined using spatial data types. Below are the common spatial data types and their applications:

  • POINT: Represents a single location in coordinate space.
  • LINESTRING: A sequence of points that form a line.
  • POLYGON: A plane figure bounded by a linear ring which is a closed and simple LINESTRING.
  • MULTIPOINT: A collection of POINTs.
  • MULTIPOLYGON: A collection of POLYGONs.
  • GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: A collection of multiple geometry types.

To define a spatial column, you use a similar syntax as other data types but specify the spatial type. For example, to store a location, you can create a table with a POINT data type like below:

CREATE TABLE landmarks (
    name VARCHAR(100),
    location POINT NOT NULL,
    SPATIAL INDEX(location)

Inserting and Querying Spatial Data

To insert spatial data, you need to use the ST_GeomFromText() function, which converts WKT (Well-Known Text) format to a geometry object. For example:

INSERT INTO landmarks (name, location) 
VALUES ('Eiffel Tower', ST_GeomFromText('POINT(2.2945 48.858222)'));

When querying spatial data, you can use spatial functions to manipulate and retrieve this data. For example, to find all landmarks within a certain distance of a point:

SELECT name 
FROM landmarks 
WHERE ST_Distance_Sphere(location, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(2.2945 48.858222)')) < 1000;

Handling Complex Geometries

For more complex shapes like polygons, you store the data as a series of linear rings that close to form the boundary. Below is an example:

    name VARCHAR(100),
    boundary POLYGON NOT NULL,
    SPATIAL INDEX(boundary)

INSERT INTO areas (name, boundary) 
VALUES ('Central Park', ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-73.958 40.800083, -73.949 40.796853, -73.973 40.764356, -73.981 40.7681, -73.958 40.800083))'));

This stores a polygon representing Central Park in New York City.

Spatial Indexes

Spatial indexes are essential for improving the performance of spatial data queries. They are created using the SPATIAL INDEX keyword during the table creation:

    SPATIAL INDEX(boundary)

This tells MySQL to create a spatial index on the boundary column, which speeds up spatial queries. Since MySQL 8.0, the InnoDB storage engine supports spatial index functionality.

Conclusion and Best Practices

This guide covers the basics of using spatial data types in MySQL 8. When working with spatial data:

  • Always ensure that polygons are properly closed and do not have any intersecting lines.
  • Use spatial indexes for complex geometries to speed up querying.
  • Remember that spatial data calculations can be CPU-intensive, so optimize your queries appropriately.
  • Stay updated with the MySQL documentation, as more features and optimizations are continuously being added.

By utilizing these spatial capabilities in MySQL 8, developers can efficiently store, retrieve, and manipulate geographical data within their applications.