MySQL Upsert: Update if exists, insert if not

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing data effectively within a database is crucial for the integrity and functionality of applications that rely on it. UPSERT is a database operation that allows for a more nuanced approach to data manipulation. It stands for ‘Update if exists, Insert if not’. Though MySQL does not have a specific UPSERT command, this functionality is achieved through several SQL statements like INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE or using the REPLACE statement.

What is Upsert?

In simple terms, UPSERT is the process of inserting a new record into a MySQL database table if the record does not exist or updating the existing record if it does. This operation is commonly required when you want to ensure that your dataset remains unique while still being able to update records as necessary.

The Basics of UPSERT in MySQL


MySQL offers the INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause, which is the closest to a standard UPSERT statement. It works by attempting to insert a new row. If the insertion would result in a duplicate entry for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index, MySQL updates the existing row instead.

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, ...)
    column1 = value1,
    column2 = value2,

Example: Consider you have a table products with fields id, name, and quantity. Here’s how you would insert a new product or update the quantity if it already exists.

INSERT INTO products (id, name, quantity)
VALUES (1, 'Widget', 10)
  quantity = VALUES(quantity) + 10;

Here if a product with id=1 already exists, its quantity will be updated by adding 10 more to it. Otherwise, a new product will be inserted

Working with Unique Constraints

It’s important to note that INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement only works if the table has a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index that triggers the duplicate violation. For example:

ALTER TABLE products ADD UNIQUE (name);

With the above line, we’ve added a UNIQUE constraint to the name column of the products table, meaning that no two products can have the same name.

Advanced UPSERT Operations

When the UPSERT logic becomes more complex, you might find yourself in need of using more advanced techniques such as using temporary tables or complex conditional statements within the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause.

Using a Temporary Table for Bulk UPSERTs

When needing to UPSERT multiple rows at once, using a temporary table to contain the records and then iterating through them could be a viable method.

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_products LIKE products;

INSERT INTO tmp_products (id, name, quantity) VALUES
(1, 'Widget', 15),
(2, 'Gadget', 30);

INSERT INTO products (id, name, quantity)
  SELECT id, name, quantity FROM tmp_products
    quantity = VALUES(quantity) + tmp_products.quantity;

DROP TEMPARY TABLE tmp_products;

Here, you first copy the structure of your target table to a temporary one, insert your data into the temporary table, then proceed with the UPSERT operation using the temporary table as the source.

Error Handling

In scenarios where the UPSERT fails, you may want to handle those errors properly. MySQL has conditional logic constructs such as IF and CASE statements that can be really useful:

Note that beginning with MySQL 5.5, you can use the SIGNAL SQLSTATE statement to return an error:

INSERT INTO products (id, name, quantity) 
VALUES (3, 'Gizmo', 20) 
quantity = VALUES(quantity) + 10 
    SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'No rows affected'; 

This will execute the insert or update, and then it will explicitly raise an error signal if no rows were affected in the operation—either because of a duplicate key conflict without an update or because an actual error occurred.


UPSERT operations in MySQL allow the insertion of new data and the updatable of existing data simultaneously, without throwing errors upon uniqueness violations. Understanding and using UPSERT efficiently can significantly reduce the complexity of your scripts and ensure data consistency.