MySQL 8: Set a fallback value for NULL columns in SELECT statement

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In database management, specifically when working with SQL databases like MySQL, dealing with NULL values is a common challenge. NULL represents a missing or inapplicable value in a column. However, it is often desirable to display a fallback value when querying data rather than displaying NULL. MySQL 8 provides features that allow for a smooth handling of such cases.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to set a fallback value for NULL columns in SELECT statements using MySQL 8. This technique improves the readability of query results and can also prevent potential issues in applications that consume the queried data.

Understanding NULL Values

NULL is a special marker used in SQL to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database. It’s important to note that NULL is different from an empty string or a zero value; it’s not a value at all, but rather a lack of value.

When you select columns from a table, MySQL will return NULL for any column that doesn’t have a value. This is where setting fallback values comes into play. You can replace NULL with a default value in the output of your SELECT queries. MySQL provides several methods to handle this:

Using the COALESCE Function

The COALESCE function allows you to return the first non-NULL value in a list of arguments. If all values in the list are NULL, the function returns NULL.

    COALESCE(column_name, 'fallback_value') AS alias_name 

In this example, if column_name is NULL, ‘fallback_value’ will be returned instead.

Using the IFNULL Function

The IFNULL function provides a quick way of replacing NULL with a specified value. It takes two arguments; if the first is not NULL, it is returned, otherwise, the second argument is returned.

    IFNULL(column_name, 'fallback_value') AS alias_name 

Unlike COALESCE, IFNULL stops at the second argument and is limited to the two values.

Using the CASE Statement

The CASE statement is more versatile in that it allows for multiple conditions to be specified and a value to be returned for each condition. Here’s an example of using CASE to manage NULL values:

        WHEN column_name IS NULL THEN 'fallback_value' 
        ELSE column_name 
    END AS alias_name 

This will return ‘fallback_value’ when column_name is NULL, and the value of column_name itself otherwise.

Advanced NULL Handling

While the above methods work well for individual columns, sometimes you may need to perform more complex manipulation. Here’s what you can do:

Combining NULL Handling Functions

You can combine COALESCE and IFNULL with other SQL functions to handle NULL values in a more complex logic. For instance, you could use them in conjunction with string functions to provide more informative feedback.

    COALESCE(CONCAT('Item: ', column_name), 'No item name') AS item_info 

With the example above, if column_name is NULL, the result will be ‘No item name’.

Using NULL Handling in JOINs

Handling NULL values becomes especially important when you’re joining tables and one of the tables may not have corresponding rows, which would result in NULL columns. COALESCE and IFNULL can be used to provide fallback values in such situations.

    COALESCE(b.related_info, 'No related info') 
    table_a a 
    table_b b ON = b.foreign_key;

This query joins two tables and provides a default message when there is no related information in the second table.

Practical Examples and Usage

Let’s put what we’ve learned into practice with some examples using a sample database:

Example 1: Setting a Fallback for a Single Null Column

-- Sample table: users
-- Columns: id (INT), name (VARCHAR), email (VARCHAR)

    COALESCE(name, 'Unknown User') AS user_name, 
    IFNULL(email, 'No Email Provided') AS user_email 

This query will replace any NULL values in the name and email columns with ‘Unknown User’ and ‘No Email Provided’, respectively.

Example 2: Using a CASE Statement to Provide Detailed Fallbacks

        WHEN name IS NULL THEN 'Unknown User' 
        WHEN name = '' THEN 'Empty Name' 
        ELSE name 
    END AS user_name 

This will print ‘Unknown User’ when the name is NULL, ‘Empty Name’ when the name is an empty string, and the actual name otherwise.

Example 3: Handling NULLs in Calculations

-- Sample table: sales
-- Columns: id (INT), product_name (VARCHAR), quantity (INT), price_per_unit (DECIMAL)

    COALESCE(quantity, 0) * COALESCE(price_per_unit, 0) AS total_cost 

This example ensures that NULL quantities or prices are treated as zeros to calculate total costs correctly.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored techniques to overcome the potential complications presented by NULL values in SQL. By utilizing functions like COALESCE, IFNULL, and the CASE statement, we can set fallback values for NULL columns in a SELECT statement that keep our data presentation clean and meaningful.

These strategies will help ensure that your data remains consistent and accessible, regardless of the inevitable occurrence of nulls within your tables. For many developers and database administrators, preventing null-related logic errors is crucial to maintaining robust and user-friendly systems.

As you continue to work with MySQL 8, leverage these tactics to handle nullability with confidence, knowing your queries will execute without unexpected hiccups, providing accurate and user-friendly outputs.