Understanding JSON_OBJECT() function in MySQL 8

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has been widely adopted as a data interchange format across many web services and applications due to its text-based, lightweight, and language-independent nature. MySQL 8.0 introduced extensive support for JSON data types and a plethora of functions that allow users to effectively handle JSON data within SQL queries. One such function is JSON_OBJECT(). This tutorial will guide you through the fundamental to advanced use of the JSON_OBJECT() function, providing examples at each step to help solidify your understanding.

A Quick Look at JSON_OBJECT()

The JSON_OBJECT() function in MySQL allows users to create a JSON object from a list of key-value pairs. Each key in the JSON object is unique and corresponds to a value that can be of any MySQL data type, including another JSON document. This robust casting ability allows users to seamlessly translate relational data into JSON format within their SQL operations.

SELECT JSON_OBJECT('key1', 'value1', 'key2', 'value2');

The output of the above query will be a JSON object:

{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}

Basic Usage

Let’s begin with a simple example that constructs a JSON object from explicit key-value pairs provided as arguments to the function:

SELECT JSON_OBJECT('name', 'John Doe', 'age', 30, 'is_employee', TRUE);

This will output:

{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "is_employee": true}

In the previous example, the keys are constants, but often the keys are dynamic, coming from column names in a table. Let’s see how we can convert table data into a JSON object:

  'id', users.id,
  'username', users.username
) AS user_json
FROM users
WHERE users.id = 1;

The resulting JSON object could appear as follows:

{"id": 1, "username": "jdoe"}

Advanced Usage

You can combine JSON_OBJECT() with other JSON functions to create more complex structures. For instance, embedding a JSON array inside a JSON object:

  'user', JSON_OBJECT(
    'id', 1,
    'name', 'John Doe'
  'skills', JSON_ARRAY('SQL', 'Python', 'JavaScript')
) AS complex_json;

The query will produce:

{"user": {"id": 1, "name": "John Doe"}, "skills": ["SQL", "Python", "JavaScript"]}

Moving to real-world uses, imagine populating a JSON object with grouped data derived from aggregating a related subset of table data:

    'total_orders', COUNT(orders.id),
    'average_order_value', AVG(orders.total)
  ) AS user_stats
FROM users
JOIN orders ON users.id = orders.user_id
GROUP BY user.username;

This query could return data such as:

{"john_doe": {"total_orders": 5, "average_order_value": 150.00}}

Additionally, you can use JSON_OBJECT() in INSERT and UPDATE statements to effectively store generated JSON data:

INSERT INTO user_profiles (user_id, preferences)
VALUES (1, JSON_OBJECT('theme', 'dark', 'language', 'en'));

UPDATE user_profiles
SET preferences = JSON_OBJECT('theme', 'light', 'language', 'en')
WHERE user_id = 1;

Handling NULL Values

One important aspect of the JSON_OBJECT() function is its treatment of NULL values. By default, NULL values are not included in the resultant JSON object:

SELECT JSON_OBJECT('name', 'John Doe', 'middle_name', NULL);

This results in a JSON object without the NULL value:

{"name": "John Doe"}

To include NULL values explicitly, you can use the JSON_OBJECTAGG() function:

SELECT JSON_OBJECTAGG('name', 'John Doe', 'middle_name', NULL);

Which will include the NULL value as a JSON null:

{"name": "John Doe", "middle_name": null}

Nesting and Combining Functions

With JSON_OBJECT(), complex, nested JSON structures can be constructed by combining it with other JSON functions or by nesting JSON_OBJECT() calls within themselves:

  'employee', JSON_OBJECT(
    'id', employees.id,
    'profile', JSON_OBJECT(
      'first_name', employees.first_name,
      'last_name', employees.last_name,
      'departments', (
        SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(department_name)
        FROM departments
        WHERE departments.employee_id = employees.id
) AS nested_json
FROM employees
WHERE employees.id = 1;

Error Handling

Ideally, JSON keys should be strings. However, when non-string values are provided as keys, MySQL tries to convert them to strings. If conversion fails, the function will return an error.

SELECT JSON_OBJECT(1, 'value1'); -- Invalid key, results in error

Practical Considerations

While JSON_OBJECT() provides a powerful way to construct JSON data on-the-fly, one should be cautious with its usage:

  • Executing complex transformations on large data sets might lead to performance issues – indexed operations on structured tables are generally faster.
  • Consider readability and maintainability of your SQL queries; overly complex JSON operations can be difficult to debug.


The JSON_OBJECT() function in MySQL 8 adds versatility to handling JSON types within the SQL paradigm, simplifying the integration of relational and non-relational data structures. Whether you are dealing with simple or complex data, this function enables the creation of JSON formats reliably and concisely, empowering developers with increased flexibility in their database operations.