Understanding interactive_timeout and wait_timeout in MySQL 8

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

MySQL, one of the most prominent open-source relational database management systems, uses various system variables to control its operation. Among these, interactive_timeout and wait_timeout are two important settings that manage how the server handles idle connections. This tutorial will delve into what these timeouts are, their default values, differences, and how they can be configured and utilized effectively in MySQL 8.

Understanding Timeouts in MySQL

In MySQL, a timeout is a system variable that defines the period the server waits before terminating an idle connection. An idle connection is a database connection that is open but not being used, meaning no queries are being sent through it. There are various types of timeouts, but the interactive_timeout and wait_timeout specifically concern the duration the server waits before it closes non-interactive and interactive idle client connections, respectively.

What is interactive_timeout?

The interactive_timeout variable applies to interactive sessions. An interactive session typically refers to a connection that MySQL server treats as waiting for input from a user, such as a MySQL shell or a GUI tool like MySQL Workbench. The default value for this timeout is typically 8 hours (28,800 seconds).

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'interactive_timeout';

What is wait_timeout?

Conversely, the wait_timeout variable impacts non-interactive sessions. These are automated connections, such as those established by scripts or backend processes. The default wait_timeout value tends to be smaller than interactive_timeout, by default around 28800 seconds.

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout';

Configuring Timeouts

To configure either of these timeouts, you can set them at server startup via the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini) or dynamically using the SET statement within the MySQL client. Here’s how to set them dynamically:

SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout=300;
SET GLOBAL wait_timeout=300;

To apply these settings permanently, you would add these lines to your my.cnf file under the [mysqld] section:

interactive_timeout = 300
wait_timeout = 300

Keep in mind that changing these values globally may affect all incoming connections, so it is essential to consider the implications on your application’s performance and reliability.

Differences Between interactive_timeout and wait_timeout

While both variables serve to define timeouts, the primary difference lies in the types of connections they govern. As mentioned, interactive_timeout is for interactive sessions, like when a user directly queries the database through a MySQL prompt, while wait_timeout applies to non-interactive, automated connections from applications and scripts.

It is important to note that setting a small value for these timeouts can lead to frequent disconnection of idle connections, which may not always be desirable, especially in an environment where long-running transactions or connections are common.

Best Practices for Timeout Settings

Your MySQL timeout settings can affect both server performance and resource utilization. Idle connections consume resources, so aggressive timeout settings can help to free up unused connections more quickly. However, it would be best if you balanced this with the needs of your application.

Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Monitor and analyze your typical connection patterns before making changes.
  • Adjust the timeout settings based on the specific needs of your applications and usage patterns.
  • For interactive sessions that require a longer idle time, consider setting a higher interactive_timeout value.
  • For scripted or automated tasks that need to maintain connections for longer periods without activity, consider setting a higher wait_timeout value.
  • For connections that are genuinely idle and can be safely closed, keep a lower wait_timeout value so that resources are not unnecessarily tied up.
  • Always test timeout settings changes in a non-production environment before deploying them to production to prevent any negative impact on your application.
  • Consider writing application logic to handle closed connections appropriately, such as implementing connection poolers or reconnect strategies.


Understanding and appropriately managing interactive_timeout and wait_timeout settings in MySQL 8 is crucial for maintaining a healthy, responsive, and resource-efficient database environment. By following best practices and carefully applying changes tailored to your use case scenarios, you can ensure your MySQL server is optimized for both performance and reliability. For continuous monitoring and maintenance, consider incorporating tools and strategies that provide insights into connection usage patterns, enabling you to adjust these settings effectively over time.