MySQL 8: Using WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING together in a query

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MySQL is a powerful relational database management system (RDBMS) that’s used in a wide range of applications. Mastering the use of the WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses can greatly enhance the performance and functionality of your MySQL queries. In this tutorial, we will explore these clauses, understand when and how to use them together, and see practical examples to consolidate the concepts covered.

Understanding the WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is used for filtering records that match a specified condition. It is essential for narrowing down results and improving query performance by excluding unwanted data before any grouping operation.

SELECT column1, column2
FROM table
WHERE condition;


SELECT name, age
FROM users
WHERE age >= 18;

In this example, we’re selecting all users who are 18 years or older. The WHERE clause filters out any records that do not satisfy the age condition.

Understanding the GROUP BY Clause

The GROUP BY clause is used after the filtering by the WHERE clause. It groups rows with the same values in one or more columns. This is often used with aggregate functions (like COUNT(), SUM(), AVG()) to perform calculations on each group of rows.

FROM table
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column1;


SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS number_of_users
FROM users
WHERE age >= 18
GROUP BY country;

This query will count the number of users by country, while only considering users who are 18 years or older.

Understanding the HAVING Clause

The HAVING clause is similar to the WHERE clause, but it is used after grouping. The HAVING clause is used to filter groups based on a condition applied to the aggregate function used in the SELECT statement.

FROM table
GROUP BY column1
HAVING condition_on_aggregate_function;


SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS number_of_users
FROM users
GROUP BY country

In this example, we’re selecting countries with more than 10 users. The HAVING clause filters out groups not meeting the specified condition, which in this case is a count higher than 10.

Using WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING Together

Combining these three clauses enables complex queries. First, WHERE filters individual records. Then, GROUP BY combines rows into groups based on matching column values. Finally, HAVING filters these groups based on an aggregate condition.

Structured Query Example:

FROM table
WHERE condition1
GROUP BY column1
HAVING condition2_on_aggregate_function;

Detailed Example:

SELECT department, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
FROM employees
WHERE job_title != 'Intern'
GROUP BY department
HAVING AVG(salary) > 60000;

This query selects the average salary of employees by department, excluding interns, and only includes departments where the average salary is greater than $60,000.

Advanced Usage and Tips

Let’s consider more complex examples and tips for writing efficient queries with proper usage of WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING.

Use Aliases for Readability

SELECT e.department_id, AVG(e.salary) AS avg_salary
FROM employees e
WHERE e.employment_status = 'active'
GROUP BY e.department_id
HAVING AVG(e.salary) > 50000;

Here we use an alias e for the employees table to make our query more concise and readable.

Complex Conditions

SELECT department, SUM(salary) AS total_salary
FROM employees
WHERE job_title != 'Intern' AND hire_date > '2010-01-01'
GROUP BY department
HAVING SUM(salary) BETWEEN 100000 AND 500000;

In this scenario, we’re using a combination of conditions in both the WHERE and HAVING clauses for a finer control over the filtered results.

Common Pitfalls

When using WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING together, it’s important to understand the order of operations to avoid common mistakes.

Order of Execution

The WHERE clause is processed before the GROUP BY clause, which in turn is processed before the HAVING clause. This is crucial for the query to work correctly as intended.

Aggregation Mistakes

Remember that the HAVING clause cannot contain aggregate functions that reference columns not included in the GROUP BY clause unless they are also present in an aggregate function in the SELECT list.


By understanding how to combine the WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses in MySQL, you can create powerful, precise queries that return exactly the data you need. Remember to utilize them in the correct order and beware of the common pitfalls associated with their use.

With practice, these techniques will greatly increase the efficiency and performance of your database interactions, allowing for better data analysis and reporting capabilities.

Note: All SQL examples given in this tutorial are based on MySQL 8 and are intended to demonstrate the described features and may require modifications to work in your specific database schema or MySQL setup.