How to view trigger variables in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding the intricacies of triggers in PostgreSQL is crucial for database developers and administrators seeking to manage data integrity and automate processes efficiently. In this tutorial, we will delve into various methods to view, assess, and manipulate trigger variables with clear examples ranging from basic to advanced uses.

What is a Trigger in Postgres?

A trigger in PostgreSQL is a function invoked automatically before or after a data modification event (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) occurs on a table. Triggers are powerful tools that help in enforcing business rules, maintaining audit trails, and many other automated database tasks. Viewing trigger variables is often necessary to understand the logic within and troubleshoot if required.

Viewing Simple Triggers

The most straightforward way to view information about triggers, including their variables, is by querying PostgreSQL system catalogs. Here’s an example that lists all triggers in the current database:

    tgname AS trigger_name,
    tgenabled AS trigger_enabled,
    tgrelid::regclass AS table_name,
    pg_get_triggerdef(oid) AS trigger_def
    NOT tgisinternal;

This query provides basic information about each trigger including its name, status (enabled or disabled), the associated table, and the actual SQL command that defines the trigger.

Advanced Queries for Triggers

For a more comprehensive view of trigger variables, you can join the pg_trigger with the pg_proc (procedures) and pg_class (classes) catalogs:

    trg.tgname AS trigger_name,
        WHEN trg.tgenabled = 'O' THEN 'Enabled'
        ELSE 'Disabled'
    END AS status,
    tbl.relname AS table_name,
    proc.proname AS function_name,
    pg_get_triggerdef(trg.oid) AS trigger_definition
    pg_trigger trg
    pg_proc proc ON proc.oid = trg.tgfoid
    pg_class tbl ON tbl.oid = trg.tgrelid
    NOT trg.tgisinternal;

This joins the tables on their respective object identifiers (OIDs) and displays the trigger name, status, table name, function name, and the definition of the trigger.

Function Content and Variables

Triggers in PostgreSQL are often linked to functions. To see how variables are set within the trigger’s function, you can inspect the function’s source code:

    proname = 'your_trigger_function_name';

This query returns the source code for a trigger function named ‘your_trigger_function_name’.

Trigger Execution Context Variables

When a trigger function is executed, PostgreSQL sets special variables that give context. You can typically view these just by looking at the function code:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION example_trigger_function()
RETURNS trigger AS $
    -- NEW refers to the new row for INSERT/UPDATE triggers
    RAISE NOTICE 'New value: %', NEW.column_name;
    -- OLD refers to the existing row for UPDATE/DELETE triggers
    RAISE NOTICE 'Old value: %', OLD.column_name;
$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The NEW and OLD are examples of trigger context variables, representing the new and the existing row data respectively.

Creating Custom Trigger Variables

To visualize this, let’s create a trigger that sets a custom variable:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calculate_change_trigger()
RETURNS trigger AS $
    delta numeric;
    delta := NEW.amount - OLD.amount;
    -- You can now use the 'delta' variable within the trigger logic
    RAISE NOTICE 'Amount changed by: %', delta;
$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER track_change
BEFORE UPDATE ON financial_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE calculate_change_trigger();

This example illustrates a BEFORE UPDATE trigger that calculates the change in an ‘amount’ field and uses a custom ‘delta’ variable to store the value.

Using Dynamic SQL in Triggers

At times, you might need to construct and execute SQL dynamically within a trigger function. This is achieved using the EXECUTE command within PL/pgSQL. Here’s how you might inspect such variables:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dynamic_sql_trigger()
RETURNS trigger AS $
    query TEXT;
    -- Construct dynamic SQL query
    query := 'UPDATE audit_table SET changes = changes + 1 WHERE id = ' ||;
    -- Examine the query
    RAISE NOTICE 'Dynamic Query: %', query;
    -- Execute the query
    EXECUTE query;
$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE TRIGGER update_audit
AFTER UPDATE ON target_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE dynamic_sql_trigger();

This demonstrates a trigger function that constructs dynamic SQL for an audit log update, with the query stored in a variable for potential examination.

Analyzing Triggers with Database Tools

Besides SQL queries, many database tools can visually show the triggers associated with your database. For PostgreSQL, PgAdmin, and DataGrip are popular choices that allow for easy inspection of trigger properties, the function code, and variables.

In PgAdmin, for instance, you can navigate to the ‘Triggers’ tab of a table to view details. From there, examining the function associated with a trigger typically reveals the variables within. DataGrip gives an overview of triggers under the ‘Functions’ section.


Through this tutorial, you’re now equipped to view trigger variables within PostgreSQL, whether directly from SQL commands, or using more advanced methods and database tools. Understanding and utilizing such information can greatly enhance your control over database behaviors and ensure a robust, consistent data management practice. Remember that careful assessment of trigger-related cod is essential when dealing with complex database logic.