PostgreSQL: Indexing on JSONB

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


JSONB indexing in PostgreSQL allows for efficient querying of data within JSONB columns, providing performance benefits for complex, schema-less data structures.

Getting Started with JSONB

PostgreSQL offers the JSONB data type, which stores JSON data in a binary format. This data type allows for efficient storage and querying but can become slow when dealing with large datasets. To improve performance, indexing is crucial.

CREATE TABLE jsonb_example (

Using GIN Indexes

Generalized Inverted Indexes (GIN) are the default choice for indexing JSONB data. They are well-suited for JSONB because they can efficiently handle the various nested and complex structures that JSON data often contains.

CREATE INDEX idxgin ON jsonb_example USING GIN (data);

Querying with GIN Indexes

Once a GIN index is created, you can perform queries on JSONB data that utilize the index. The index will be automatically used for queries that include contains (<@) and containment (@>) operators.

SELECT * FROM jsonb_example WHERE data @> '{"key": "value"}';

Indexing Specific JSONB Paths

You can also create GIN indexes on specific parts of the JSONB document using the jsonb_path_ops operator class. This is useful when you know your queries will target specific paths often.

CREATE INDEX idxgin_path ON jsonb_example USING GIN ((data -> 'key') jsonb_path_ops);

Improving Performance with GIN

To improve search performance, especially in large JSONB objects, you can combine GIN with additional PostgreSQL features such as the `pg_trgm` module for trigram matching and expression indexes for computed values.

CREATE INDEX idxgin_trgm ON jsonb_example USING GIN (data gin_trgm_ops);

Brin Indexing for Large Datasets

BRIN (Block Range INdexes) can be useful for very large datasets where data is often physically ordered by a key. BRIN indexes can provide a significant storage and performance advantage though they are less precise than GIN or B-tree indexes.

CREATE INDEX idxbrin ON jsonb_example USING BRIN ((data ->> 'key'));

Indexing and Query Performance

It’s important to benchmark and analyze the query performance with different types of indexes, as indexing comes with an overhead for insertions and updates. Using EXPLAIN ANALYZE can give insights into how queries are being executed.

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM jsonb_example WHERE data @> '{"key": "value"}';

Partial Indexes for Efficiency

To optimize indexing further, partial indexes can be created that only index a subset of rows based on a condition. This reduces index size and can speed up queries that match the condition.

CREATE INDEX idxgin_partial ON jsonb_example USING GIN (data) WHERE (data @> '{"filter": true}');

Combining JSONB with Full Text Search

PostgreSQL also allows using full text search capacities combined with JSONB data types for complex search features. Creating an index that supports full text search on JSONB data is also possible.

CREATE INDEX idxgin_fts ON jsonb_example USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', data ->> 'text_content'));

Advanced Indexing Techniques

For more advanced use cases, one can leverage expression indexes, partial indexes, combined indexes and even delve into custom indexing strategies using PostgreSQL extensions.

CREATE INDEX idxgin_complex ON jsonb_example USING GIN ((data #> '{path, to, element}') jsonb_path_ops);


Indexing JSONB data types in PostgreSQL can greatly enhance performance and should be tailored to query patterns and workload. Constant monitoring and adjustment will yield the best results for efficient and fast data retrieval.