PostgreSQL Error: Foreign Key Violation – Key is not present in table

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with relational databases like PostgreSQL, ensuring data integrity is crucial. Foreign Key constraints are used to maintain the referential integrity between tables. However, if you encounter a ‘Foreign Key Violation’ error, it means you’re trying to insert or update a row in a table with a foreign key that doesn’t exist in the referenced table. Let’s discuss how to fix this error, its causes, and solutions.

Understanding the Error

This error occurs when an operation such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE violates a foreign key constraint. PostgreSQL checks for the presence of a corresponding primary key in the referenced table. If it’s not present, it raises the error.

Solution 1: Check Data Before Insert/Update

Before performing any insert or update operations, make sure the referenced data in another table exists.

  1. Review the foreign key constraint in your table schema.
  2. Query the referenced table to verify the existence of the primary key.
  3. If the primary key exists, proceed with the insert or update operation.


SELECT * FROM referenced_table WHERE primary_key_column = 'value';

Performance Discussion: Checking data before the operation can prevent the error but may introduce an extra query, affecting performance for large scale operations.

Pros and Cons: This method ensures data integrity but can be cumbersome if many foreign keys are involved.

Solution 2: Use ON CONFLICT Clause

Another PostgreSQL feature is the ON CONFLICT clause, which allows you to handle conflicts during an INSERT operation gracefully.

  1. Alter your INSERT statement to include the ON CONFLICT clause.
  2. Determine the action to be taken when a conflict arises.


INSERT INTO your_table (column1, column2, foreign_key_column) VALUES ('value1', 'value2', 'foreign_key_value') ON CONFLICT (foreign_key_column) DO NOTHING;

Performance Discussion: This feature can improve performance by avoiding unnecessary exceptions, but it assumes that conflicts are acceptable to ignore or update based on your conflict action.

Pros and Cons: The ON CONFLICT clause allows for more flexible error handling but may lead to ignored data inconsistencies if not used correctly.

Solution 3: Correct Database State

Ensure that all foreign keys in your database refer to existing primary keys or are set to null if the relationship is optional.

  1. Locate all rows where the foreign key does not match any primary key in the referenced table.
  2. Decide if you should update the foreign keys to valid values or set them to NULL.
  3. Update your table to correct the data.


UPDATE your_table SET foreign_key_column = NULL WHERE foreign_key_column NOT IN (SELECT primary_key_column FROM referenced_table);

Performance Discussion: This solution ensures data consistency but may involve complex and costly database operations, especially if there are many mismatches.

Pros and Cons: Corrects data integrity but can be a resource-intensive process, depending on the size of the data set and database design.


Resolving ‘Foreign Key Violation’ errors requires a good understanding of your database schema and the data relationships within. Choose a solution that best fits the scenario, balancing between maintaining data integrity and the performance implications of corrective operations.