PostgreSQL: 2 Ways to Reset Root Password on Windows

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Resetting the root (or superuser) password in PostgreSQL is a common task when you forget or need to change the password for security reasons. For Windows users, there are a few approaches you can take to reset the password. In this article, we will explore several solutions to reset the PostgreSQL root password on Windows.

Solution 1: Use pgAdmin

pgAdmin is a popular graphical tool to manage PostgreSQL databases, which can be used to reset passwords without needing to interact with the command line.

The steps to follow:

  1. Open pgAdmin from your program menu.
  2. Connect to the desired PostgreSQL server.
  3. Navigate to the ‘Login/Group Roles’ node in the browser.
  4. Right-click the user whose password you wish to reset and select ‘Properties’.
  5. Go to the ‘Definition’ tab and enter the new password.
  6. Click ‘Save’ to apply changes.


  • User-friendly interface makes the process simple.
  • Does not require command-line knowledge since this is a GUI-based solution.

Cons: Requires pgAdmin to be installed and accessible. You can learn how to set up and configure pgAdmin in this article: How to set up PostgreSQL and pgAdmin on Windows.

Solution 2: Edit pg_hba.conf File

Editing the pg_hba.conf file to allow unauthenticated access temporarily, then resetting the password through the command-line interface or SQL shell.

Here are what we’re going to do:

  1. Locate pg_hba.conf, usually in ‘C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\\data’.
  2. Open pg_hba.conf with a text editor as an administrator.
  3. Change the method for local connections to ‘trust’ and save the file.
  4. Restart the PostgreSQL service from the Windows Services panel.
  5. Connect to PostgreSQL using the psql command-line tool or SQL shell without a password.
  6. Reset the password using the following SQL command: ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';
  7. Restore the original pg_hba.conf settings and restart the PostgreSQL service


  • This method does not require any additional tools.
  • All changes are reversible.


  • Requires file system and possibly administrative access.
  • It may have security implications if not done carefully.


Resetting the root password for PostgreSQL on Windows can be accomplished using a range of methods. Whether through a graphical interface like pgAdmin for ease-of-use or directly manipulating server configuration files for a more hands-on approach, picking the right method depends on your level of comfort and access permissions. Always remember to revert any temporary security changes you make, such as altering the pg_hba.conf file, to prevent unauthorized access to your database system.