Working with Conditional Statements in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Conditional statements are pivotal in database operations, facilitating dynamic query execution. PostgreSQL, offering a versatile platform, empowers users with conditional constructs like IF, CASE, WHEN, and others to tailor complex data retrieval and manipulation.

Introduction to Conditional Logic

PostgreSQL supports conditional statements within its PL/pgSQL language for stored procedures, functions, and control of flow in scripts. The use of these statements allows developers to execute code based on specific conditions, ensuring that database interactions are both flexible and intelligent.

Code block:

-- Sample IF statement in PL/pgSQL
DO $
    IF CURRENT_TIME > '17:00' THEN
        RAISE NOTICE 'Good evening!';
        RAISE NOTICE 'Hello!';
    END IF;

Basic Conditional Statements

The most fundamental conditional statement in PostgreSQL is the IF statement, which executes a block of code if a condition is TRUE.

Code block:

-- Basic IF statement
IF condition THEN
    -- Code to execute if condition is TRUE
    -- Code to execute if condition is FALSE

Another essential construct is the CASE statement, which allows for multiple conditions to be checked sequentially.

Code block:

-- Basic CASE statement
    WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1
    WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2
    ELSE default_result

Advanced Conditional Expressions

In more complex scenarios, PostgreSQL provides advanced conditional expressions, such as nested IF statements and CASE statements within queries.

Code block:

-- Nested IF statement
IF condition_1 THEN
    -- Code for condition_1
    IF condition_2 THEN
        -- Code for condition_2
    END IF;
    -- Code if condition_1 is FALSE

Code block:

-- Using CASE in a SELECT statement
        WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1
        WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2
        ELSE default_result
FROM table_name;

Conditional Statements with Loops

Conditional logic also extends to loops within PostgreSQL, allowing for conditional termination or execution given a certain condition within iterative processes.

Code block:

-- Conditional EXIT from a loop using an IF statement
DO $
    rec record;
    FOR rec IN SELECT * FROM table_name LOOP
        IF rec.column_condition THEN
        END IF;
        -- Additional processing here

Handling Null Values

Conditional statements can also be utilized to handle NULL values in PostgreSQL through the use of COALESCE and NULLIF expressions.

Code block:

-- Using COALESCE to handle NULLs
SELECT COALESCE(column_name, 'default_value') FROM table_name;

Code block:

-- Using NULLIF to prevent division by zero
SELECT column1 / NULLIF(column2, 0) FROM table_name;

Conditions with Aggregate Functions

PostgreSQL permits the incorporation of conditional statements within aggregate functions like SUM, AVG, etc., leveraging the FILTER clause to refine aggregations conditionally.

Code block:

-- Conditional SUM using FILTER
SELECT SUM(column_name) FILTER (WHERE condition) AS conditional_sum FROM table_name;


In conclusion, PostgreSQL’s support for conditional statements affords robust database operations and refined data control. By using IF, CASE, and other constructs, developers can build dynamic and efficient query patterns, essential in today’s data-driven environments.