Using the LENGTH function in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The LENGTH function in PostgreSQL is a widely used string function that helps developers find the number of characters in a given string. It plays a critical role when it comes to data validation, data formatting, and manipulation in SQL queries. Like many of PostgreSQL’s functions, LENGTH has been available for many years and is part of the essential toolkit for database operations involving string analysis.


The primary purpose of the LENGTH function is to return the number of characters in a string. It is essential for various tasks such as trimming strings, validation string input size, and ensuring data consistency across database fields that have character length constraints.


The syntax for the LENGTH function is straightforward:


Parameter string – The string whose length needs to be calculated.

Return Value: The function returns an integer that represents the number of characters in the specified string.

Code Examples

Example 1: Basic Usage of LENGTH

For beginners, a good start is to understand how LENGTH behaves with different types of strings, including empty strings and those with white spaces.

This example shows how to use the LENGTH function to get the length of a simple string.

SELECT LENGTH('PostgreSQL'); -- Returns 10
SELECT LENGTH(' ');          -- Returns 1
SELECT LENGTH('');           -- Returns 0

Example 2: Using LENGTH with Table Data

A common scenario is to compute the length of text in a column to enforce business logic or constraints at the database level.

This example demonstrates finding the length of strings stored in a table column.

CREATE TABLE employees (
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO employees (name)
VALUES ('John Doe'), ('Jane Smith'), ('Mike Johnson');

SELECT name, LENGTH(name) AS name_length
FROM employees;

Example 3: Data Validation Based on String Length

Checking the length of data before inserting it into the database can help in maintaining data constraints without relying exclusively on schema restrictions.

This example illustrates how LENGTH can be used to validate the length of input data.

DO $
    user_input VARCHAR(50) := 'Alfred Nobel';
    IF LENGTH(user_input) < 10 THEN
        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input too short. Minimum length is 10 characters.';
        INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES (user_input);
    END IF;


In conclusion, understanding and utilizing the LENGTH function in PostgreSQL allows for effective string manipulation and validation within your SQL queries. It is a simple yet powerful tool that illustrates the robust nature of PostgreSQL’s built-in functions which facilitate various string processing tasks encountered in database operations. Mastering LENGTH, alongside other string functions, will undoubtedly improve your capability to maintain data integrity and meet application-specific requirements.