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PostgreSQL: How to reset the auto-increment value of a column

Last updated: February 19, 2024


PostgreSQL offers powerful data storage capabilities, but managing auto-increment values, especially in SERIAL or IDENTITY columns, is a common challenge that developers face. It’s crucial to understand how to reset these values, especially in scenarios involving data truncation or testing environments that require a fresh slate.

This tutorial will guide you through various methods to reset the auto-increment value of a column in PostgreSQL, starting from the basic to more advanced techniques.

Understanding Auto-Increment Columns in PostgreSQL

Before we dive into resetting auto-increment values, it’s essential to understand how they work. PostgreSQL provides two primary ways to create auto-increment columns: the SERIAL pseudo-type and the newer, SQL-standard IDENTITY columns. Both automatically generate unique, sequential numbers for new rows.

CREATE TABLE your_table(
    your_column SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    other_column VARCHAR(50)

Or, using IDENTITY:

CREATE TABLE your_table(
    other_column VARCHAR(50)

Method 1: Using ALTER SEQUENCE

Firstly, you need to identify the sequence associated with your auto-increment column. This sequence is automatically created by PostgreSQL when you use SERIAL or IDENTITY.

SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c WHERE c.relkind = 'S';

This query lists all sequences in your database. Find the one related to your table and column.

To reset the sequence to a specific value, you can use the following command:

ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_name RESTART WITH <desired_value>;

Make sure to replace sequence_name with your actual sequence name and <desired_value> with the value you wish to reset to.

Method 2: Using setval Function

Alternatively, you can directly set the sequence’s current value using the setval function. This offers more flexibility, including the option to retain or not retain the sequence’s is_called flag.

SELECT setval('sequence_name', <desired_value>, false);

Here, false indicates that the next call to the sequence will return the <desired_value>+1. If true, the next call will return <desired_value>.

Method 3: Resetting in the context of TRUNCATE

When you truncate a table (remove all rows), you may also wish to reset its associated sequences. This can be achieved in one step:


This command not only clears the table but also resets all of its associated sequences to their initial values. It’s a handy command for resetting the state during testing or development.

Method 4: Combining RESET with Data Deletion

If you’re deleting specific rows and wish to adjust the sequence accordingly, consider the following command:

DELETE FROM your_table WHERE condition;
SELECT setval(
    (SELECT MAX(your_column) FROM your_table) + 1

This deletes rows based on a condition and sets the sequence to the next value after the highest current value in the column. It ensures that there are no gaps in the sequence numbers for new rows.

Advanced: Dynamic Resetting

For more complex scenarios, you might need to reset sequences dynamically, depending on various conditions or across multiple tables. This requires utilizing PostgreSQL’s PL/pgSQL scripting language to create a function or write scripts that adjust sequences based on logic.

Note that such approaches can significantly increase the complexity of your database operations. Always test thoroughly in development environments before applying to production.


Resetting the auto-increment value of a column in PostgreSQL is crucial for maintaining the integrity and performance of your databases, especially in dynamic environments requiring regular resets for testing or after significant data changes. The methods outlined provide a solid foundation, from basic ALTER SEQUENCE adjustments to more complex dynamic resetting. Remember to test any approach in a development setting before applying changes in production to ensure stability and predictability of your data structures.

Next Article: Boolean data type in PostgreSQL: How to store true/false values

Previous Article: PostgreSQL: Saving categories and subcategories in one table

Series: PostgreSQL Tutorials: From Basic to Advanced


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