PostgreSQL: How to Insert Values with Quotes (‘)

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Inserting values with single quotes in PostgreSQL can be challenging, particularly for new developers, due to syntax conflicts. This tutorial demonstrates practical and secure methods to handle quotes during data insertion.

Handling Single Quotes

When you need to insert a value that contains a single quote into a PostgreSQL database, it’s important to understand that a single quote (‘) is a special character in SQL and needs to be treated as such. Normally, a single quote in an SQL query would signify the start or end of a string literal. Thus, using a single quote within the string itself could result in unwanted behavior or syntax errors. Here’s how you can deal with single quotes:

INSERT INTO your_table_name (column_name) VALUES ('This is Sarah''s book.');

Note how the single quote in “Sarah’s” is duplicated to indicate that it’s a literal part of the string value, not an indicator of the string end.

Using the Dollar-Quoted String Syntax

For complex strings or queries including multiple single quotes, PostgreSQL offers the dollar-quoted string syntax. This can simplify the query and make it more readable.

INSERT INTO your_table_name (column_name) VALUES ($This is Sarah's book. Her friend said, 'It's fascinating!'$);

The $$ around the string act as custom string delimiters, removing the need to escape single quotes.

Parameterized Queries

One of the safest and most effective methods to handle single quotes in your data is to use parameterized queries. Not only do they handle single quotes correctly, but they also protect against SQL injection attacks. Language-specific libraries like psycopg2 for Python provide tools for creating parameterized queries.

INSERT INTO your_table_name (column_name) VALUES (%s);

You’d use this in conjunction with the appropriate functions in your programming language to bind actual values to that placeholder.

Using the E” String Prefix

The E” string prefix allows you to use escape string syntax in PostgreSQL version less than 9.1. To include a single quote, use the backslash before it:

INSERT INTO your_table_name (column_name) VALUES (E'This is Bob\'s bike');

Bear in mind that PostgreSQL version 9.1 and above has escape string syntax on by default and disallows the use of the backslash unless you’ve explicitly turned on standard_conforming_strings.

Special Functions and Stored Procedures

If you’re working with complex data imports or recurrent single-quote insertions, creating a specific function or stored procedure to handle such cases may be beneficial. Here’s an example of using the quote_literal function:

INSERT INTO your_table_name (column_name) VALUES (quote_literal('Sarah's book'));

Stored procedures can provide even more control and logic around the insertion process.

Escaping Quotes with Replace

Another alternative is to use PostgreSQL’s REPLACE function within your query. This essentially replaces all instances of a single quote within a string with two single quotes.

INSERT INTO your_table_name (column_name) VALUES (REPLACE('Sarah's book', '''', ''''''));

Be extra cautious with the number of quotes; they can become confusing.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Always prefer parameterized queries or functions like quote_literal to protect against SQL injections. Avoid constructing queries via string concatenation in your code. Be aware that replacing single quotes with double quotes changes the meaning in SQL—double quotes are used to identify column names, table names, and other database objects.

Client-Side Preprocessing (Python, Node.js, PHP, etc)

In some cases, you may want to preprocess the string in the coding environment before submitting it to the database. Most modern programming languages offer utilities to sanitize and prepare strings for SQL queries, but ensure that the chosen method doesn’t leave your application vulnerable to SQL injection.


This tutorial covered various techniques for inserting values with single quotes in PostgreSQL, from simple quote duplication to more sophisticated methods like dollar-quoting and the utilization of functions like quote_literal. Each method caters to different scenarios, but parameterized queries remain the standout solution for maintaining security and stability. When in doubt, choose safety methods to keep your database secure.