PostgreSQL Crosstab Query: Display data vertically

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Transforming and presenting data in a clearer and more informative way is often a pivotal part of data reporting and analysis. The PostgreSQL Crosstab query is a powerful tool that turns rows into columns to display data vertically, enhancing readability.

Understanding Crosstab Queries

A crosstab query is a type of query in PostgreSQL, provided via the tablefunc module, which creates pivoted tables (also known as cross tabulations or transpositions) for reporting purposes. The crosstab function takes a SQL result and presents it in a tabular format where each row represents a category, and each column represents a subcategory or time period. To use the crosstab function, you first need to enable the tablefunc extension in your PostgreSQL database:


Basic Crosstab Usage

The crosstab function requires at least two parameters: a text representation of a SQL query that outputs at least three columns, which are the row identifier, the category, and the value, and optional category ordering.

FROM crosstab(
  $SELECT row_identifier, category, value
  FROM your_table
  ORDER BY 1,2$
) AS final_result (row_name data_type, category_1 data_type, category_2 data_type);

This basic example pivots your_table into a new structure where each row is organized by unique row_identifier, and columns are distinct categories with corresponding values.

Parameterized Crosstab Queries

When your categories are known and finite, you can create a crosstab with fixed columns.

FROM crosstab(
  $SELECT row_identifier, category, value
  FROM your_table
  WHERE category IN ('Cat1', 'Cat2', 'Cat3')
  ORDER BY 1$,
  $VALUES ('Cat1'), ('Cat2'), ('Cat3')$
) AS final_result (row_name data_type, Cat1_value data_type, Cat2_value data_type, Cat3_value data_type);

The second parameter to crosstab provides the fixed category set and defines the order in which categories should be displayed.

Handling Dynamic Categories

For cases where categories are dynamic and not known beforehand, you can dynamize your crosstab queries by using a separate query to determine the categories:

WITH category_query AS (
  SELECT DISTINCT category FROM your_table
), ordered_categories AS (
  SELECT category FROM category_query ORDER BY category
FROM crosstab(
  $SELECT row_identifier, category, value FROM your_table ORDER BY 1,2$,
  'SELECT category FROM ordered_categories'
) AS final_result (row_name data_type, dynamic_category_1 data_type, dynamic_category_2 data_type, ...);

However, for the final result set, the column definitions still need to be manually adjusted to fit the potential range of categories.

Advanced Crosstab Usage

When working with complex data, you might also include data consolidation within your crosstab queries. Let’s look at aggregating data into categories per time period:

FROM crosstab(
  $SELECT row_identifier, category, SUM(value) AS total
  FROM your_table
  GROUP BY row_identifier, category
  ORDER BY 1,2$,
  $SELECT DISTINCT category FROM your_table ORDER BY category$
) AS final_result (row_name data_type, category_1_total data_type, category_2_total data_type, ...);

Here, we’ve added a SUM aggregation to the crosstab query, combining values per category and row_identifier before pivoting.

Combining Crosstab with Joins

Frequently, the data requiring transposing is not contained within a single table. You can combine crosstab with JOIN operations:

FROM crosstab(
  $SELECT t1.row_identifier, t2.category, t1.value
  FROM your_table_1 t1
  JOIN your_table_2 t2 ON =
  ORDER BY 1,2$,
  $SELECT DISTINCT category FROM your_table_2 ORDER BY category$
) AS final_result (row_name data_type, category_1_value data_type, category_2_value data_type, ...);

This combines data from two tables, your_table_1 and your_table_2, where your_table_1 contains the values and your_table_2 hosts the categories.

Best Practices and Considerations

  • Always ensure your initial query and category query are correctly ordered for consistency.
  • Be cautious of NULL values which can shift data when fitting into the crosstab column format.
  • Test your crosstab queries thoroughly before applying them to production applications.


In summary, PostgreSQL crosstab queries are exceptionally useful for presenting data in a more readable vertical format. They provide flexibility in dealing with dynamic or fixed categories and can be combined with other SQL clauses to handle complex data structuring. Always remember to structure and aggregate your data carefully to ensure accuracy in your transposed tables.