PostgreSQL: Using ‘CAST’ and ‘::’ for data conversion

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Converting data types in PostgreSQL is a common task, and the database provides two main syntaxes for conversion: the CAST function and the shorthand operator ::. Understanding how to use these tools effectively is essential for database operations, data cleaning, and preparation.

Understanding CAST in PostgreSQL

The CAST function in PostgreSQL is a standard SQL method to convert one data type into another. It’s primarily used when you need to handle different types that don’t match up naturally, such as converting a text string to a numeric type. The syntax is straightforward:

SELECT CAST(expression AS target_type);

For example, if you want to convert the text ‘123’ to an integer, you would use:


Using the Shorthand Operator ‘::’

PostgreSQL also offers a shorthand syntax for type casting using the :: operator. It’s concise and commonly used by PostgreSQL developers. This is how you use it:

SELECT expression::target_type;

So, for the same text to integer conversion, you could write:


String to Number Conversion

One typical usage scenario is converting string data to numbers. This could involve transforming string literals or columns into integers or floating-point numbers. Here’s a simple integer conversion:

SELECT '12345'::INT;

If you are converting to a floating-point, you could do:


Date and Time Data Conversion

Another common conversion is for date and time types. When you have a date in string format and need to compare it against other dates, you’ll need to cast it. Here’s an example using the CAST function:

SELECT CAST('2023-01-01' AS DATE);

And here’s the same conversion using the shorthand operator:

SELECT '2023-01-01'::DATE;

Converting Between Numerical Types

Converting between numerical types, like from INTEGER to DECIMAL, can help with precision in calculations. If you want more precision for an integer division, for example, you could convert the operands:


This ensures you get a precise decimal result instead of integer division’s default behavior.

Dealing with Null Values

Using CAST, you can also provide a fallback for NULL values with COALESCE:

SELECT COALESCE(CAST(NULLIF(column_name, '') AS INTEGER), 0) FROM your_table;

This code snippet will convert any empty strings in column_name to NULL and then replaces those NULLs with 0.

Type Casting in JOIN Clauses and WHERE Conditions

Type casting is also useful in JOIN clauses or WHERE conditions where the types need to be the same. Here’s an example of casting in a JOIN:

SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.text_column::INTEGER = table2.integer_column;

You need to ensure the types match to perform the JOIN correctly.

Advanced Scenarios

Advanced uses of type casting might involve custom types or types provided by additional PostgreSQL modules. You can cast to geometric types or even to JSON:

SELECT '{"name": "John", "age": 30}'::JSONB;

This can prove useful when working with PostgreSQL’s powerful JSON capabilities.

Performance Considerations

Type conversions can impact query performance, especially when casting within a WHERE clause or joining on casted fields. PostgreSQL has to perform the type conversion for every row processed, which can slow down queries on large datasets. Whenever possible, store and compare data in its native format.


In conclusion, understanding how to use CAST and shorthand :: operator in PostgreSQL can significantly enhance your database querying capabilities. However, practice thoughtful data type matching during database design to reduce the need for runtime conversions and maintain efficient query performance.