How to Implement Caching in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Effective caching is critical in enhancing database performance by reducing the access time for frequently requested data. In this tutorial, we will explore several methods to implement caching in PostgreSQL, ensuring optimized data retrieval.

Understanding Caching

Before jumping into implementation, it’s essential to understand what caching is and why it’s crucial. Caching involves temporarily storing copies of data in a location where they can be accessed more quickly. By caching query results or commonly accessed data in memory, PostgreSQL can serve future requests for this data without having to recompute or fetch them from disk.

The Role of Shared Buffers

One fundamental way PostgreSQL handles caching is through shared buffers. The shared_buffers setting determines how much memory is dedicated to caching data blocks in memory. Adjusting this is the first step toward custom caching. You can view and set this parameter in the postgresql.conf file or with the ALTER SYSTEM command.

SHOW shared_buffers;

-- Increase shared_buffers size
ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_buffers = '1GB';

Caching with Tablespaces

For more advanced control, consider using tablespaces that reside on faster storage, like SSDs. Here’s how to create and use a tablespace specifically for caching:

-- Create a tablespace on faster storage
CREATE TABLESPACE fastspace LOCATION '/path/to/ssd';

-- Create a table in new tablespace
CREATE TABLE cache_table (...) TABLESPACE fastspace;

Materialized Views

Materialized views store query results physically, behaving like a cache. You can refresh them periodically to keep data updated. Here’s how to use materialized views:

-- Create a materialized view

-- Refresh the materialized view

Extension-Based Caching Solutions

Several PostgreSQL extensions can enhance caching experiences, such as pgpool-II and pgbouncer for connection pooling and in-memory query caching. Here’s a sample of installing and using one such extension:

-- Install pg_cron extension

-- Schedule periodic cache refresh
SELECT cron.schedule('*/30 * * * *', $REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW cache_view$);

Using Application-Side Caching

Sometimes, the best caching strategy is implemented outside the database. Application-side caching mechanisms, like Redis or Memcached, can significantly reduce database load by shifting the caching layer to the application side. Implementing these requires both set up the caching infrastructure and tweaking the application to retrieve and store data in the cache.

Caching Best Practices

Implement caching effects vary based on the workload and access patterns. Employing best practices, such as monitoring cache hit rates, analyzing query patterns for potential caching, invalidating cache properly when data changes, and balancing memory allocation with other processes, will lead to optimized system performance.

Monitoring and Tuning

-- Monitor cache hit ratio
SELECT sum(heap_blks_hit) / (sum(heap_blks_hit) + sum(heap_blks_read)) AS ratio FROM pg_statio_user_tables;

-- Tune your cache settings
-- (Adjust shared_buffers, work_mem, maintenance_work_mem, etc.)

Putting It All Together: A Practical Example

Let’s set up a simple caching strategy using a materialized view and periodically refresh it using pg_cron.

-- Assume a complex query exists that we want to cache

-- Refresh cache every hour with pg_cron
SELECT cron.schedule('0 * * * *', $REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW report_cache$);

-- Query the cache instead of the base tables
SELECT * FROM report_cache WHERE ...;


By understanding and implementing caching strategies in PostgreSQL, we can achieve significant performance gains. While not all-inclusive, this guide provided a foundational understanding and practical steps to get started. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to caching; it requires careful analysis and fine-tuning tailored to your specific use-case.