PostgreSQL: Convert Text Into Structured Data

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with unstructured data can be challenging, but PostgreSQL offers powerful tools for converting text into structured form. This tutorial explores how to harness these capabilities through various code examples.

Introduction to Text Conversion

Textual data is often stored as strings within PostgreSQL. While this format is flexible for storing information, queries on such data can be inefficient or cumbersome. To leverage the full power of SQL, converting text into a structured format, like columns and tables, is essential. PostgreSQL provides several functions and operators to achieve this transformation.

Basic Text Extraction with substring

To start extracting structured information from text, you can use the substring function. It allows you to retrieve specific portions of a string based on a defined pattern.

SELECT substring('Sample text' FROM 1 FOR 6); -- Output: 'Sample'

The above SQL code retrieves the first 6 characters from the string ‘Sample text’. With regular expressions, substring can become even more powerful:

SELECT substring('Email: [email protected]' FROM 'Email: (.+?)\\z');

This uses a regular expression to extract whatever follows ‘Email: ‘ until the end of the string.

Splitting Text Using string_to_array

The string_to_array function splits a string into an array of text elements based on a delimiter.

SELECT string_to_array('a,b,c', ','); -- Output: {a, b, c}

Arrays are a step towards structured data as they allow you to perform operations on individual elements.

Transforming JSON Text with jsonb Functions

For handling JSON formatted text, PostgreSQL offers the jsonb data type along with a suite of functions for manipulating JSON data.

SELECT jsonb_pretty('{"name":"John", "age":30}'::jsonb);

This converts the text into a jsonb object and pretty-prints it. You can also query data from a jsonb object:

SELECT '{"name":"John", "age":30}'::jsonb -> 'name'; -- Output: "John"

To transform a JSON text into a set of records, you can use the jsonb_to_record function:

SELECT * FROM jsonb_to_record('{"name":"John", "age":30}') AS x(name text, age int);

What’s Next?

Working with XML Data

For XML formatted text data, you can use PostgreSQL’s XML functions to convert it to a structured form. You can query an XML object using xpath or you can parse it into a table form using xmltable.

Advanced Text Analysis with Extensions

PostgreSQL allows extending its capabilities with various extensions, such as pg_trgm for trigram matching or fuzzystrmatch for various kinds of pattern matching, which further enhances its text handling features.

Automating Structured Conversion

When you need to process large or recurrent datasets, you can automate the conversion process using PostgreSQL functions and triggers to transform text as it’s inserted or updated within the database.

Handling Inconsistent Formatting

When dealing with real-world text data, inconsistencies in formatting can be a hurdle. By combining regular expressions, conditional expressions, and custom functions, you can homogenize and structure any raw text data.

Performance Considerations

While converting text to structured data can make querying faster, be aware that some operations, especially those using complex regular expressions, can be CPU-intensive. Proper indexing and thoughtful query design are key to maintaining performance.


Learning to convert text to structured data can greatly expand your PostgreSQL skills and allow for more sophisticated querying and data analysis. With the use of built-in functions, extensions, and a bit of SQL creativity, the capabilities are vast. Experiment with the provided examples, explore PostgreSQL documentation for more functions, and you’ll be structuring text data like a pro in no time.