PostgreSQL: How to Bulk Update/Delete Rows with IDs

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Matter

Managing large datasets efficiently often requires performing bulk operations, such as updating or deleting multiple rows identified by specific IDs. PostgreSQL, as a powerful relational database management system, provides several methods to handle bulk data modifications, contributing to performance optimization and better resource management.


Whether you’re dealing with a batch of user records requiring updates or cleaning up stale data, efficient bulk operations are crucial in database management. PostgreSQL offers various techniques for mass updates or deletes, which we’ll explore in this tutorial. Understanding and utilizing these methods can lead to significant improvements in your application’s performance and database maintainability.

Using the WHERE IN Clause

The most basic method for bulk updates or deletes in PostgreSQL involves using the WHERE IN clause. This clause allows you to specify a list of IDs that target the rows you want to modify.

UPDATE your_table
SET column_name = 'new_value'
WHERE id IN (123, 456, 789);

DELETE FROM your_table
WHERE id IN (123, 456, 789);

While this method is straightforward and easy to understand, it may not be the most performant option for handling a large number of IDs.

Using Array Comparisons

PostgreSQL’s array functions provide an alternative to the WHERE IN clause that can be more efficient for longer lists of IDs.

UPDATE your_table
SET column_name = 'new_value'
WHERE id = ANY('{123, 456, 789}'::int[]);

DELETE FROM your_table
WHERE id = ANY('{123, 456, 789}'::int[]);

This approach allows PostgreSQL to use array comparisons, which can be faster than the WHERE IN clause when dealing with many IDs to modify.

Using Temporary Tables

For very large bulks, creating a temporary table and populating it with the IDs to be updated or deleted can significantly reduce the processing time and resource usage.


CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_ids (id integer);

INSERT INTO temp_ids (id)
VALUES (123), (456), (789);

UPDATE your_table
SET column_name = 'new_value'
FROM temp_ids

DELETE FROM your_table
USING temp_ids


This strategy decouples the IDs collection from the update/delete command, which is particularly helpful when dealing with substantial numbers of IDs or when the IDs are the result of a complex query.

Joins for Conditional Bulk Operations

There might be scenarios where you need to perform bulk updates or deletes based on conditions more complex than a simple list of IDs. In these cases, leveraging joins can offer a robust solution.

UPDATE your_table
SET your_table.column_name = 'new_value'
FROM another_table
AND another_table.condition_column = 'some_condition';

DELETE FROM your_table
USING another_table
AND another_table.condition_column = 'some_condition';

By joining the target table with either another table or even a subquery, you can create dynamic conditions for selective bulk updates or deletes. This method is particularly handy when you need to consider the state of related data.

Batch Processing

PostgreSQL also supports batch processing, limiting the number of rows updated or deleted in a single transaction. This can prevent locking issues and ensure that the database remains responsive during the operation.

DO $
    r RECORD;
    FOR r IN (SELECT id FROM your_table WHERE some_condition LIMIT 1000) LOOP
        UPDATE your_table
        SET column_name = 'new_value'
        WHERE id =;

Batch processing in this manner can be implemented using a loop, iterating over a set of results and running updates or deletes in manageable chunks.

Using the COPY Command

The COPY command, while not directly related to updates or deletes, can be used in conjunction with temporary tables or batch processes to optimize the handling of bulk data.


COPY temp_ids FROM '/path/to/ids.csv' (FORMAT csv);

UPDATE your_table
SET column_name = 'new_value'
FROM temp_ids


By loading IDs from a file into a temporary table, this method streamlines the process of performing bulk updates or deletes and can yield considerable time savings for very large datasets.


PostgreSQL provides a versatile set of tools for performing bulk updates and deletes efficiently and reliably. Choosing the right method depends on the size of your dataset and the specific requirements of the operation. Whether using simple WHERE IN clauses, array comparisons, joins with other tables, or batch processing, optimizing these operations is a key aspect of good database management that can lead to improved performance and stability.