PostgreSQL: Restart, rename a sequence, and use pgAdmin to alter a sequence

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Sequences in PostgreSQL are database objects used for generating unique numeric identifiers. In this guide, we’ll dive into how to restart, rename, and alter sequences using SQL commands and pgAdmin—PostgreSQL’s graphical administration tool.

Understanding Sequences in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, sequences are special kinds of database objects that generate numerical sequences. They are commonly used for auto-incrementing primary key fields. Here’s a simple example of sequence creation:


This command will create a new sequence that starts at 1 and increments by 1 by default. The current value of a sequence can be obtained by using the NEXTVAL function:

SELECT NEXTVAL('my_sequence');

Restarting a PostgreSQL Sequence

There are times when you might need to restart a sequence. For example, if you’re resetting your data and you need all new entries to start from a specific number again. You do it with the ALTER SEQUENCE command:


This will reset the sequence to start at 1 again.

Renaming a PostgreSQL Sequence

To rename an existing sequence in PostgreSQL, use the ALTER SEQUENCE command followed by RENAME TO. For instance:

ALTER SEQUENCE my_sequence RENAME TO new_sequence_name;

This renames my_sequence to new_sequence_name.

Using pgAdmin to Alter a Sequence

pgAdmin provides a graphical interface that can make it easier to work with sequences. Here’s a step-by-step guide to altering a sequence in pgAdmin:

  1. Open pgAdmin and connect to your database.
  2. Navigate to the Schemas -> Sequences list in your database.
  3. Right-click on the sequence you want to alter and select ‘Properties’.
  4. In the dialog that opens, you can change a variety of settings including the sequence’s name, increment, minimum value, maximum value, and start value.
  5. Once you’ve made your changes, click ‘Save’ to apply them.

Advanced Sequence Operations in PostgreSQL

Besides the basics, you can manage more sophisticated behaviors with sequences. Setting the ‘Owned By’ property of a sequence ties its lifecycle to a table column:

ALTER SEQUENCE new_sequence_name OWNED BY my_table.my_column;

If you need your sequence to never run out of numbers, you can set it to cycle:

ALTER SEQUENCE new_sequence_name CYCLE;

This way, when the sequence reaches its maximum value, it will wrap around to the minimum value.

Securing PostgreSQL Sequences

Security is also a consideration with sequences. You might want to control which database roles can use the sequence:

GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON SEQUENCE new_sequence_name TO some_role;

This grants the role some_role the ability to use and see the current value of the sequence.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

When it comes to long-term database management, carefully consider the size of your sequence. If you’re expecting a large amount of records, ensure your sequence has a sufficiently large maximum value or is set to cycle. Additionally, sequences are not always immune to transaction rollbacks, so it’s important to understand your transactional needs and how they interact with sequence values that might be ‘burned’ during a rollback.


In summary, PostgreSQL sequences are powerful tools for creating unique identifiers. By mastering sequence management, including restarting, renaming, and modifying sequences via both SQL commands and pgAdmin, you can ensure seamless data integrity and auto-increment behavior in your databases.