Understanding PostgreSQL: to_date and to_timestamp Functions

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

A Quick Overview

PostgreSQL includes a robust set of functions for handling dates and times, among which the to_date and to_timestamp functions are incredibly useful for converting string data to date and timestamp types. These functions are essential for database administrators and developers dealing with date and time representations in PostgreSQL.


The to_date and to_timestamp functions have been a part of PostgreSQL for many years, being present in older versions (at least since PostgreSQL 7.4, released in 2003), reflecting PostgreSQL’s long-term commitment to comprehensive data handling capabilities.

Use Cases

The purpose of these functions is to convert string data into date-specific types recognized by the database. This is especially pertinent when handling raw data or data from external sources that may not be in the desired format. By using these functions, developers can ensure that the string data is interpreted correctly and can be seamlessly integrated into the PostgreSQL’s date and time-typed columns for accurate querying and manipulation.

Syntax and Parameters

  • to_date(text, text) – Converts the first argument, a string representation of a date, to a PostgreSQL DATE type, based on the format specified by the second argument.
  • to_timestamp(text, text) – Similar to to_date but converts the string argument to a TIMESTAMP type.

Both functions require two string arguments. The first is the actual data to convert, and the second is the format string that specifies how to interpret the various components of the date/time string.

Both to_date and to_timestamp functions return a date or timestamp value formatted according to PostgreSQL’s internal structures for these types, which can then be used in database operations.


Example 1: Basic Date Conversion

Convert a string in “YYYY-MM-DD” format to a DATE type.

SELECT to_date('2023-04-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS converted_date;

Example 2: Complex Timestamp Conversion

Convert a string containing date and time information into a TIMESTAMP type using a more complex format.

SELECT to_timestamp('Sunday, April 1, 2023 14:32:30', 'Day, Month DD, YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS converted_timestamp;

Example 3: Converting in Different Locales

Using to_date with localized month names to convert non-English date format string.

SET lc_time TO 'es_ES';
SELECT to_date('1 de abril de 2023', 'DD "de" Month "de" YYYY') AS converted_local_date;
RESET lc_time;


The use of to_date and to_timestamp in PostgreSQL enables precise conversion from textual date and time representations into formats that the database can interpret and utilize. Knowing when and how to use these functions can greatly enhance the efficiency of processing and storing temporal information in PostgreSQL databases. Although seemingly simple, these functions are powerful tools for normalizing and ensuring the integrity of date and time data within your PostgreSQL endeavors.