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Auto copy files from Kubernetes pods to local machine (with examples)

Last updated: January 31, 2024


Kubernetes (K8s) is a powerful platform for managing containerized applications, but sometimes you need to copy files from a Pod to your local machine for troubleshooting, logging, or data analysis purposes. In this tutorial, we will explore several methods to automate the process of copying files from Kubernetes Pods to your local machine, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.


  • Fundamental knowledge of Kubernetes concepts.
  • Basic familiarity with the kubectl command-line tool.
  • A configured K8s cluster with access to it.
  • A running Pod from which you want to copy files.

Basic File Copying from a Pod

Let’s begin with the most straightforward method for copying files from a Pod using the kubectl cp command.

kubectl cp <pod>:<filepath> <local-destination-path>

Replace <pod> with the name of your Pod, <filepath> with the full path of the file within the Pod, and <local-destination-path> with the path on your local machine where you want to save the file. Here is a simple example:

$ kubectl cp my-pod:/var/log/application.log ./application.log

This command will copy the file application.log from the my-pod Pod to the current working directory on your local machine.

Scripting File Copy with Bash

Now, let’s write a simple Bash script to automate this process.



This script sets variables for the Pod name, file path, and local path, and then performs the copy operation. You can execute this script regularly using a cron job or as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

Advanced Automation using Kubernetes Jobs

For more complex automation, you may want to use a Kubernetes Job. The following manifest will create a Job that automatically copies files from a Pod to a PersistentVolume, which can later be accessed from outside the cluster.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: file-copy-job
      - name: copy-container
        image: busybox
        command: ['sh', '-c', 'kubectl cp my-pod:/var/log/application.log /mnt/volume']
      - name: volume
          claimName: my-volume-claim
      restartPolicy: Never

This Job uses the `busybox` image, with a command that copies the log file from `my-pod` to a mounted volume specified by a `PersistentVolumeClaim`. After creating the Job, Kubernetes will schedule a Pod to execute the task.

Using a Sidecar Container for Continuous File Synchronization

Sometimes you may want to continuously copy files from a Pod. This can be achieved using a sidecar container in your Pod’s specification that synchronizes files to a shared volume periodically.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-with-sidecar
  - name: my-app
    image: my-application-image
  - name: sync-container
    image: busybox
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'while true; do kubectl cp my-pod:/var/log/application.log /mnt/volume; sleep 60; done']
  - name: shared-volume
    emptyDir: {}

This example includes a sidecar container that runs a loop, copying the log file every 60 seconds to a shared-volume which can be accessed by other containers in the Pod, or external processes.

Automating with Kubernetes Operators

A Kubernetes Operator is a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application. You can write an Operator that observes certain Kubernetes resources and performs file copying tasks as needed. However, writing an Operator can be complex and is out of the scope of this tutorial, but tools like the Operator SDK can help simplify the process.

Security Considerations

Whenever automating file transfers within Kubernetes, consider the security implications. Ensure that you:

  • Use service accounts with minimal permissions necessary for the file copy operations.
  • Employ secure methods to store and access credentials.
  • Regularly audit logs to monitor for unauthorized access.


Copying files from Kubernetes Pods to your local machine can be done effectively and efficiently through various methods, each with its own set of advantages and use-cases. Choosing the right automation strategy depends on your specific requirements and the level of complexity you’re ready to manage.

Next Article: How to Retrieve Kubernetes Cluster Name/ID from K8s API

Previous Article: Kubernetes Forbidden Error: User ‘client’ cannot list resource ‘pods’

Series: Kubernetes Tutorials


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