NGINX Charset Filter: The Developer’s Guide

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NGINX is a renowned web server that’s become a popular choice for its speed, reliability, and flexibility. Central to its function is its ability to deal with various data encoding schemes. In this tutorial, we will focus on the Charset filter module, which allows NGINX to change the character encoding of served content on the fly.

Character sets and encodings are vital in ensuring that text data appears correctly in browsers and other clients. For developers, being able to manipulate these settings efficiently is crucial for internationalization and ensuring a smooth user experience.

The Basics of Character Encoding

Before diving into NGINX’s Charset filter, let’s briefly review character encoding. Encoding is how characters are stored in binary. ASCII was one of the first encoding standards, representing each character as a number. Today, UTF-8 is the dominant encoding, capable of representing every character in the Unicode standard.

Module Activation

To start using the Charset filter in NGINX, you must ensure that it’s included during the build process. The StringType option, which is a parameter for the module, allows you to set the preferred encoding.

http {
    charset utf-8;

Applying the charset directive at the http block level sets the default character encoding for all servers and locations unless specified otherwise.

Configuration in Server and Location Contexts

Typically, you would set character encoding settings on a per-server basis or within a specific location block. Here’s how you would declare a different charset type for a particular server:

server {
    charset iso-8859-1;

And for a particular location:

location /european-content {
    charset iso-8859-1;

With these configurations, content served from the ‘european-content’ directory will be encoded in ISO-8859-1, whereas UTF-8 will be the default encoding for the rest of the server.

Adding Charset to Content-Type

Informing clients about the content encoding is usually done via the ‘Content-Type’ HTTP header. NGINX can automatically append the appropriate ‘charset’ parameter to ‘Content-Type’ responses:

http {
    charset utf-8;
    source_charset iso-8859-1;
    add_charset utf-8 .html .css .js;

This configuration sets ‘utf-8’ as the desired output encoding. It also instructs NGINX to add ‘charset=utf-8’ to the Content-Type headers for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, provided that the source files are in ‘iso-8859-1’.

Work With Source and Target Charset

When you’re dealing with existing content in different encodings, use the ‘source_charset’ directive. This tells NGINX the encoding of the source documents which should be converted:

http {
    charset utf-8;
    source_charset windows-1251;

This configuration suggests that the original documents are in ‘windows-1251’ and need to be converted to ‘utf-8’.

Overriding Charset Settings

At times, you may need to override these charset directives for specific use cases or files. You can achieve this with the ‘charset_types’ directive:

location /russian-content {
    charset off;
    charset_types text/plain text/css application/javascript;
    charset windows-1251;
    source_charset koi8-r;

This configuration effectively specifies a set of MIME types whose charset should be changed from ‘koi8-r’ to ‘windows-1251’ while restricting the effect to certain types of content.

Dealing with Legacy Applications

Legacy web applications might not follow modern best practices for character sets and encoding. NGINX offers a flexible toolset to handle such cases:

location /oldapp {
    charset iso-8859-1;
    override_charset on;

The ‘override_charset on’ directive tells NGINX to ignore any ‘charset’ parameters in the ‘Content-Type’ header sent by the application and use the one specified in the configuration.

Error Handling

NGINX can run into issues while performing charset conversions if it encounters characters that cannot be represented in the target charset. Providing a fallback is a practical approach:

charset utf-8;
charset_map iso-8859-1 utf-8 {
    # Mapping of specific characters that can't be converted directly
error_page 500 502 503 504 /custom_50x.html;

This approach helps you tailor NGINX’s response in the event of an error.

Charset in Microservices

NGINX can not only serve as a web server but also as a reverse proxy. This makes it fitting for applications built on a microservices architecture:

location /microserviceA {
    proxy_pass http://microserviceA_upstream;
    proxy_set_header Accept-Charset 'utf-8';

By setting the ‘Accept-Charset’ header, you can ensure that your microservices output content in a consistent manner.

Advanced Scenarios

NGINX also supports more complex encoding scenarios through the use of maps, conditionals, and variables. For instance:

map $http_accept_language $preferred_charset {
    default        utf-8;
    ~*^ru         windows-1251;
    ~*^(de|es)     iso-8859-1;

server {
    location / {
        charset $preferred_charset;

This configuration dynamically sets the charset based on the ‘Accept-Language’ request header, catering to the preferred charset for Russian, German, and Spanish languages respectively.

Testing Your Configuration

It’s crucial to test your encoding settings to avoid unexpected behaviors. You can utilize tools like ‘curl’ to simulate requests and inspect the headers:

curl -I -H 'Accept-Charset: utf-8'

This command requests a resource while explicitly accepting ‘utf-8’, allowing you to verify the ‘Content-Type’ header in the response for the correct ‘charset’ parameter.


In this tutorial, we’ve walked through the essentials of the NGINX Charset filter module, from its basic configuration to more complex scenarios that a developer might encounter. By understanding these principles, you can leverage NGINX to serve a globally diverse audience with properly encoded content, essential for the modern web.