How to undo a Git merge (reset to pre-merge state)

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Merging branches is a common task in the Git version control system. However, sometimes a merge may introduce errors, or you may decide that the merge was premature. In such cases, you might wish to undo the merge and return your repository to the state it was in before the merge commit. This tutorial explores multiple ways to revert a Git merge, starting with basic commands and moving towards more advanced techniques. It’s important to act with caution when rewriting history in Git, as it affects not only your local repository but potentially your collaborators’ work as well.

Understanding Git Merge and Revert Basics

Before we delve into code examples on how to undo a Git merge, it’s important to understand that merging is the act of integrating commits from one Git branch into another. When you revert a merge, you are creating a new commit that undoes all changes brought into the branch from the merge commit.

# Let's assume you have just performed a merge that you wish to undo.
# First, find the commit hash BEFORE the merge.
git log --oneline

The hash is a 7-character string at the beginning of the commit message. Let’s say the hash before the merge was abc1234.

# To undo the merge, you can use git reset to roll back to that commit hash:
git reset --hard abc1234

This command will reset the HEAD of your current branch to the specified commit, effectively discarding all changes that occurred after that point, including the merge.

Using Git Reset to Undo Merge

The git reset command is used to reset your current HEAD to a specified state. Here we will see the use of --hard option which resets the working directory and the index to the state of a specific commit, therefore discarding any changes in the working directory and index.

# If commit hash before merge was abc1234, use:
git reset --hard abc1234

This is a destructive operation and all changes that were made after the abc1234 commit will be lost. Therefore, use this method if you are sure you want to permanently remove the merge and its associated changes.

Reverting a Merge Commit

If you do not want to rewrite the commit history, you can opt to use git revert. This command will create a new commit that reverses the effect of a previous commit. It is a safer alternative to git reset because it does not alter the existing commit history.

# To revert a merge commit, use the commit hash of the merge.
# Let's say the merge commit hash is def5678. You can revert it like so:
git revert -m 1 def5678

This command creates a new commit on top of your current branch which undoes the changes that were made by merge commit def5678. The -m 1 option tells Git to keep the changes from the “first parent” of the merge commit (which typically is the branch into which the merge was made).

Using Reflog to Undo a Merge

Git reflog is a mechanism that records when the tip of branches are updated. This is a powerful feature to recover from an erroneous merge if the commit hashes are no longer easily available.

git reflog

You’ll see a list of operations (e.g., commits, resets, merges). Identify the entry right before the merge and note its index. For example:

# If the pre-merge state was at HEAD@{3}:
git reset --hard HEAD@{3}

This will bring your branch back to the state before the merge happened. Unlike git reset to a commit hash, this does not require knowing the specific commit id.

Advanced Techniques

In complex situations, none of the previous methods may be suitable or they might be limited. In such cases, you might need to perform more advanced operations like interactive rebase.

# If you want to surgically remove a merge without affecting other commits:
git rebase -i abc1234

This command will open an interactive session starting from commit abc1234. You can then remove the line corresponding to the merge commit or edit as needed, then save and exit. The subsequent rebase process will apply the remaining commits in order, excluding the merge.


Undoing a Git merge can be handled gracefully with the methods described. Whether opting for a simple reset, a revert commit, or utilizing the reflog, you have the tools needed to restore the pre-merge state. Remember to proceed with caution, especially when rewriting public history, to avoid causing issues for other collaborators.