NGINX Error 414: Request-URI Too Large – Causes and Solutions

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding Error 414: Request-URI Too Large

An NGINX error 414 occurs when the request URI sent by the client is longer than what the server is willing or able to process. This typically happens when excessively long URLs are sent to the server, often resulting in a ‘Request-URI Too Large’ error message. This limitation is set to avoid exceedingly long URLs that can be used in request smuggling and buffer overflow attacks.

Cause of Error 414

Error 414 is caused by the server limiting the size of the URI to a length that is defined by the server’s configuration setting. When the client sends a URI exceeding this limit, the error is triggered as the server rejects the request to maintain security and efficiency.

Solutions to Resolve Error 414

Increase ‘large_client_header_buffers’

Increasing the ‘large_client_header_buffers’ setting in the NGINX configuration allows the server to accept larger header sizes, which includes the Request-URI.

  • Edit the NGINX configuration file (usually located at ‘/etc/nginx/nginx.conf’ or ‘/etc/nginx/conf.d/your-config-file’).
  • Locate the ‘http’ block and add or update the directive: ‘large_client_header_buffers 4 16k;’. The first value dictates the number of buffers, while the second value sets the size of each buffer.
  • Reload the NGINX configuration using the command ‘nginx -s reload’.


http {
     large_client_header_buffers 4 16k;

Increasing the size of the client header buffers can allow larger URIs but should be done cautiously to avoid potential security risks associated with large headers such as request smuggling.

Shorten the Request-URI Manually

URI length could also be an application issue rather than a server configuration problem. If clients are generating excessively long URIs, the application itself might need enhancement to shorten these requests.

  • Review the application generating the URIs to determine if excessive data is being placed within the URI. For example, a GET request might be changed to a POST request.
  • Use URL rewriting or redirection within the application to manipulate long URLs into shorter, more manageable ones.
  • Update the application code and deploy the changes.

An example of shortening a GET request to use a POST request instead, which does not require code changes on the NGINX side, is-application specific and subject to the tools or frameworks in use.

This method avoids changing server settings, which conserves the server’s performance and security posture, but requires changes in the application’s logic and possibly in its design.

Use of URL Shorteners

For external or public-facing URLs that are too long, consider using a URL shortener service to create a more compact URL to pass to NGINX.

  • Select and implement a URL shortening service or create a custom one.
  • Modify the application or process to use the shortener service and pass the shortened URL to NGINX.

The focus is on the application layer utilizing an external service.

This solution is more about managing URI lengths outside NGINX’s scope, redirecting the shortened URL to the actual long URI internally while serving the actual content. This approach might not be suitable for systems where URL modification is unwelcome or infeasible.


NGINX Error 414 is a common issue related to long request URIs exceeding server configuration limits. The solutions range from increasing NGINX’s ‘large_client_header_buffers’ setting to modifying the application logic such as changing request methods or shortening URLs. While each solution has its own merits, they should be evaluated in the context of the application’s requirements, server performance, and security implications before implementation.