Ways to install/upgrade Apache web server on Windows

Updated: January 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Apache HTTP Server is one of the most widely used web servers in the world. Installing or upgrading Apache on Windows might seem daunting, but there are several straightforward methods to do so. In this guide, we will explore multiple solutions to install or upgrade Apache on a Windows system, each suitable for different scenarios.

Let’s Do It

Solution 1: Using the Official Apache Windows Binaries

The Apache Software Foundation provides official binaries for Windows that can be used for both installation and upgrades. This method is straightforward and recommended for those who prefer an official source.

  • Step 1: Visit the Apache Haus or Apache Lounge website to download the official binaries.
  • Step 2: Unzip the downloaded file to your desired installation directory.
  • Step 3: Open the ‘conf’ folder and edit the ‘httpd.conf’ file to suit your requirements.
  • Step 4: Use the Windows command prompt to start the server using ‘httpd.exe’.

Notes: This method provides a stable and trustworthy source for Apache binaries. However, the manual configuration might be complex for beginners, and there are no automated updates.

Solution 2: Using a Third-party Distribution like XAMPP

XAMPP is a popular PHP development environment that comes bundled with Apache, MySQL, and other tools. It’s a good option for development and testing environments.

  • Step 1: Download the latest version of XAMPP from the official website.
  • Step 2: Run the installer, and follow the prompts to install the components you need, including Apache.
  • Step 3: Start the Apache server through the XAMPP control panel.

Again, no commands or code is necessary because the XAMPP installer provides a graphical user interface for installation and management.

Notes: XAMPP is easy to set up and ideal for beginners, but it is not suited for production environments due to its pre-configured security settings designed for convenience over security.

Solution 3: Installing Apache via Windows Package Management Tools like Chocolatey

Chocolatey is a Windows package manager that can be used to install and upgrade software, including Apache HTTP Server.

  • Step 1: Install Chocolatey following the instructions on their website.
  • Step 2: Open an administrative command prompt and execute `choco install apache-httpd` to install Apache.
  • Step 3: To upgrade, run `choco upgrade apache-httpd` from an administrative command prompt.


choco install apache-httpd
choco upgrade apache-httpd

Notes: Package managers make the installation and upgrade process much simpler by handling dependencies. However, availability of the latest version may depend on the maintainers of the Chocolatey package.


There are several ways to install or upgrade Apache HTTP Server on a Windows environment that cater to different levels of expertise and use cases. The official binaries offer a stable and secure method for those who are comfortable with manual configuration. For developers seeking a more turn-key solution, XAMPP provides a quick setup at the cost of not being suited for production. Finally, package managers like Chocolatey offer a convenient, scripted installation process that saves time but may lag behind the latest Apache release. The choice depends on the user’s requirements and expertise.