How to Use Kubernetes Network Policies for Security

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management. However, with a surge in Kubernetes adoption, securing your clusters is more important than ever. Network policies are critical for controlling traffic flow between pods and other endpoints in your Kubernetes cluster. This guide will help you understand what network policies are, why they’re essential, and how to use them efficiently for securing your Kubernetes workloads.


Before you implement network policies, you need:

  • A Kubernetes cluster running
  • Kubectl, configured to communicate with your cluster
  • A network plugin that supports network policies, like Calico, Weave Net, or Cilium

Understanding Kubernetes Network Policies

A Kubernetes network policy is a specification of how groups of pods are allowed to communicate with each other and other network endpoints. It is the Kubernetes equivalent of a firewall because it provides a way to enforce configurable network traffic filtering in a Kubernetes cluster.

Why Network Policies?

By default, pods in a Kubernetes cluster can communicate with any other pod across any namespace. This default setting is not ideal for security reasons because it opens possibilities for potential attacks, such as:

  • Pods becoming breading grounds for attacks on other pods
  • Services getting exposed to malicious or unauthorized entities
  • Data leaks or unauthorized data access

Network policies allow cluster administrators to apply ingress and egress rules to pods, enabling a controlled connection model where only specific communications are allowed, based on configured policies.

Defining a Simple Network Policy

First, define a simple policy that restricts incoming traffic to a pod. This ingress policy only allows traffic from all pods that have a label with role=client.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-client
      app: web-server
  - Ingress
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          role: client

In this policy:

  • The podSelector selects pods with app=web-server.
  • The ingress field specifies the ingress rules.
  • The from field shows that traffic is only allowed from pods with role=client.

Applying a Network Policy

After defining your network policy, you can apply it to your cluster with:

kubectl apply -f policy.yaml

Here, policy.yaml is the filename of your network policy manifest.

Using Namespace Selectors

Network policies enable you to target specific namespaces using namespaceSelector. This selector is useful for organization-wide policies that apply to many different services:

  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
          project: my-project

Denying All Traffic By Default

To increase the security of your network, it’s prudent to deny all traffic by default and then allow specific connections that are necessary for your application. Here’s how you can implement a default deny-all policy:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: default-deny-all
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress

Creating Egress Policies

Egress policies are used to manage outgoing traffic from your pods. Here’s a simple example that allows egress traffic only to a specific IP range:

      app: database
  - Egress
  - to:
    - ipBlock:

Combining Ingress and Egress Rules

You can also specify both ingress and egress rules in a single network policy:

      app: middle-tier
  - Ingress
  - Egress
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          app: front-end
  - to:
    - podSelector:
          app: database

It’s important to fine-tune your policies according to the least privilege principle, where you only allow the traffic your application strictly requires.

Troubleshooting Network Policies

It’s not uncommon to face some issues when implementing network policies. To help you troubleshoot:

  • Use kubectl get networkpolicies to list all network policies in your cluster.
  • Inspect the logs of your network plugin for indications of policy conflicts.
  • Make sure your network plugin supports the features you want to use in your network policies.


Kubernetes network policies constitute a powerful mechanism to control the flow of traffic to and from the pods in your cluster. They significantly bolster the security aspect of Google’s container orchestration tool. By following this guide, you now have an understanding of how to create simple or complex network policies based on your unique requirements. Remember, best practices dictate to ‘deny by default’ and only allow the necessary traffic that is crucial to your services’ functionality.

Finally, ensure to continuously monitor your network policy rules, update them as the requirements of your applications change and additionally use other security layers on top, such as firewalls or security groups provided by your cloud provider, to maintain comprehensive security controls.