Git: Adding all files in the current directory to the staging area

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The staging area, also known as the “index”, is a layer that holds all the changes you want to be included in the next commit. When you stage changes, you’re letting Git know exactly what modifications should be part of your next commit snapshot.

When working with Git, one of the most common tasks developers face is staging changes to commit them to their repository. Understanding how to effectively stage files can make your workflow much smoother and more efficient. In this tutorial, we will look at how to add all files in the current directory to the staging area using basic to advanced Git commands.

Basic Staging Commands

Adding a Single File:

git add file.txt

Checking the Status:

git status

Adding All Files in the Current Directory:

git add .

This command will stage all files and directories in the current directory, including new, modified, and deleted files.

Patterns and Specificity in Staging Files

Git provides a powerful way to stage specific sets of files through the use of patterns. Here are a few examples:

git add *.js

add 'script1.js'
add 'script2.js'

When you run git add *.js, Git stages all files ending with .js in the current directory.

Staging Modified and Deleted Files

Adding modified and deleted files can also be done easily with the add command:

git add -u

This will stage all modified and deleted files in the entire repository but won’t add untracked files.

Using Git add -A

One command that covers staging new files, modified files, and deleted files in the entire repository is:

git add -A

Here’s an example command and its output:

git add -A

git status
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)

        new file:   newfile.txt
        modified:   modifiedfile.txt
        deleted:    deletedfile.txt

Interactive Staging

If you prefer to have more control over what goes into the staging area, you can use the interactive mode provided by Git:

git add -i


Throughout this tutorial, we have explored several ways to add all files in the current directory to the staging area with Git, ranging from the basic git add . command to more advanced selective and interactive staging techniques. By understanding these different methods, you can tailor your staging process to fit your workflow needs. Happy coding!