Fixing Python ValueError: Circular Reference Detected

Updated: December 31, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding Circular Reference Error

Python raises a ValueError: Circular reference detected when it identifies a recursive reference in an object that it’s attempting to algorithmically process. This is common when serializing objects (e.g., converting to JSON) where an object refers back to itself or creates a loop with other objects, which the serializer is unable to handle.


To fix this error, initially, pinpoint where the circular reference is occurring. Inspect your code for situations where objects may reference themselves or each other in a way that creates a loop. Once identified, you can take steps to eliminate the circularity.

Revising Object Structure

One approach to resolve the issue is by re-structuring your objects. Ensure that objects do not hold references that create a loop. This might mean re-designing your data models or adjusting how you build relationships between objects.

Using a Custom Serializer

If altering the structure is not feasible, custom serialization logic can be utilized. Employ a serializer that can handle circular references smartly by either breaking the loop or managing references in a way that the circularity does not cause an issue.

Consider an example involving circular references in dictionaries that need to be serialized into JSON:

import json

class CircularReferenceEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, o):
        if hasattr(o, '__dict__'):
            return o.__dict__
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

# Creating objects that create a circular reference
obj_a = {'key': 'value'}
obj_b = {'obj': obj_a}
obj_a['obj'] = obj_b

except ValueError as e:
    print(f'Error: {e}')

# Avoiding the circular reference using a custom encoder
print(json.dumps(obj_a, cls=CircularReferenceEncoder))

In this code, object obj_a has a reference to obj_b, which in turn refers back to obj_a, creating a circular reference. Attempting to serialize obj_a raises an error. By using the custom encoder CircularReferenceEncoder, we transform the objects into their dictionary representation, thus breaking the circular reference during serialization.