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MongoEngine: How to append item to a ListField

Last updated: February 10, 2024


MongoEngine, a Document-Object Mapper (DOM) for working with MongoDB from Python, facilitates data operations significantly. One common operation needed by developers is appending an item to a ListField within a MongoDB document. This tutorial will guide you through the process of achieving that, ranging from basic to more advanced use cases. We’ll illustrate each step with code examples to ensure clarity.


  • Python installed on your machine.
  • MongoDB installed and running.
  • MongoEngine installed. You can install it via pip with pip install mongoengine.

Basic Usage

At its core, appending to a ListField involves first defining your document structure with MongoEngine’s classes, connecting to your MongoDB database, and then manipulating the list field as needed.

from mongoengine import connect, Document, ListField, StringField

class MyDocument(Document):
    names = ListField(StringField())

# Connect to MongoDB

# Create & save a new document
doc = MyDocument(names=['John', 'Doe'])

Appending an item to the ListField is simple:


This appends ‘Jane’ to the names list and then saves the document, persisting the change to the database.

Using Atomic Update Operations

While the above method works, it suffers from a critical flaw if your application is distributed or handles concurrent operations: race conditions. To safely append an item in such environments, use MongoEngine’s atomic update operations.


This update() operation uses MongoDB’s $push operator, ensuring thread-safe updates without loading the document into memory.

Conditional Appends

Sometimes, you might want to append an item only if it meets certain criteria. In those instances, you can combine MongoEngine queries with update operations.

MyDocument.objects(, names__nin=['Alex']).update(push__names='Alex')

This query checks if ‘Alex’ is not already in the names list before appending it, avoiding duplicates.

Appending Multiple Items

Appending multiple items at once is also straightforward with MongoEngine:

doc.update(push_all__names=['Mia', 'Ella'])

The push_all operation ensures that all specified items are appended to the list field.

Advanced: Embedded Documents

Working with more complex data structures such as embedded documents takes our operations a step further.

from mongoengine import EmbeddedDocument, EmbeddedDocumentField

class NameDetail(EmbeddedDocument):
    first_name = StringField()
    last_name = StringField()

class Person(Document):
    name_details = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(NameDetail))

person = Person(name_details=[NameDetail(first_name='John', last_name='Doe')])

# Append a new embedded document
ew_name_detail = NameDetail(first_name='Jane', last_name='Doe')

This allows for appending complex data types, offering greater flexibility for your data models.

Listening to Your Data: Dynamic ListField Updates

For utmost adaptability, consider structures where the ListField itself holds dynamic data types. Although requiring careful design, this approach allows for a wide array of data to be store in a single ListField.

While working with dynamic data types requires an in-depth understanding of BSON’s limitations and MongoEngine’s capabilities, it represents one of the most flexible patterns available.


MongoEngine offers robust capabilities for manipulating list fields in MongoDB documents. From simple appends to handling complex, embedded documents, understanding these techniques enables developers to effectively manage and utilize their data. Always consider the requirements of your application, especially concerning data consistency and concurrency, when choosing an approach.

Next Article: MongoEngine DateTimeField – Tutorial & Examples

Previous Article: MongoEngine ReferenceField – Tutorial & Examples

Series: Data Persistence in Python – Tutorials & Examples


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