Python: Generating a List of ‘datetime’ objects from a ‘calendar’ object

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we delve into the realm of Python programming by focusing on how to generate a list of datetime objects derived from a calendar object. This can be particularly useful for developers who need to manipulate or work with dates in their applications. Python, with its rich standard library, provides several modules like datetime and calendar to efficiently manage and operate on dates and times. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to convert calendars into lists of datetime objects for more advanced date manipulations.

Introduction to the datetime and calendar Modules

The datetime module supplies classes for manipulating dates and times. This module allows formatting, comparing, and performing arithmetic with dates and times. On the other hand, the calendar module provides general calendar-related functions. It allows operations such as fetching the month’s calendar in various formats, calculating leap years, and more.

Before we start, ensure you have Python installed on your system. This tutorial is compatible with Python 3.x versions.

Getting Started with the Code

First, import the necessary modules:

import calendar
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

Next, let’s write a function that will accept a year and a month as inputs and return a list of datetime objects representing each day of that month.

def month_to_datetime(year, month):
    num_days = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
    start_date = datetime(year, month, 1)
    return [start_date + timedelta(days=x) for x in range(num_days)]

This function first finds out the number of days in the specified month using calendar.monthrange(). It then creates a datetime object for the first day of the month. Finally, it generates a list of datetime objects for every day in that month using a list comprehension combined with timedelta.

Exploring Further Use Cases

Now that you understand how to convert a specific month’s calendar into a list of datetime objects, let’s explore some practical applications. For instance, you can use this functionality to create custom calendars, perform batch operations on dates, or even assist in generating schedules.

To illustrate, let’s create a function that prints a simple calendar where weekends are highlighted:

def print_custom_calendar(year, month):
    datetimes = month_to_datetime(year, month)
    for day in datetimes:
        day_str = day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        if day.weekday() >= 5:  # Python counts weekdays from Monday (0) to Sunday (6)
            print(f'{day_str} *Weekend*')

This function calls month_to_datetime to get a list of datetime objects and iterates over them. For each day, it checks if it’s a weekend by calling weekday() on the datetime object. If it’s a weekend, it prints the date with a ‘*Weekend*’ tag.

Handling Leap Years

In scenarios involving leap years, Python’s calendar module can transparently handle the extra day in February. Our month_to_datetime function will automatically work for leap years without any modification. This is because the calendar.monthrange() function takes leap years into account when returning the number of days in February.


print(month_to_datetime(2020, 2))

This will correctly return a list of datetime objects for February 2020, accounting for the leap year.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to leverage the datetime and calendar modules to generate a list of datetime objects from a calendar object in Python. We walked through the core function for converting a month’s calendar to datetime objects and explored several practical use cases, including handling leap years and creating custom calendars.

The datetime and calendar modules are powerful tools for date and time manipulation in Python. With the concepts covered in this tutorial, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to tackle various date-related programming challenges.