Python sqlite3: Pagination examples

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

A Brief Overview

Pagination is a fundamental concept in database operations, especially when dealing with large sets of data. It allows users to break down data into manageable pieces or pages, making data retrieval efficient and user-friendly. This tutorial aims to explore pagination in SQLite3 databases using Python, guiding you through multiple examples—from basic to advanced usage.

Getting Started

Before diving into pagination examples, let’s set up a basic environment. Ensure you have Python installed on your system. We will use SQLite3, which comes bundled with Python, so no additional installation is required. Our first step is to create a sample database and populate it with data.

# Import sqlite3 module
import sqlite3

# Create a database connection and a cursor object
connection = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()

# Create a table
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items (
    name TEXT,
    price NUMERIC

# Insert data
cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO items VALUES (?,?,?)', [
    (1, 'Apple', 0.99),
    (2, 'Banana', 0.59),
    (3, 'Cherry', 1.99),
    (4, 'Date', 2.99),
    (5, 'Elderberry', 3.99),
    (6, 'Fig', 0.99),
    (7, 'Grape', 2.99),
    (8, 'Honeydew', 3.59)

# Commit the changes and close connection

Basic Pagination

At its core, pagination involves querying a subset of the database with a specific offset and limit. The LIMIT clause is used to specify the maximum number of records to retrieve, while OFFSET is used to skip a certain number of records from the top of the list.

# Open the database connection again
connection = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()

# Basic pagination query for first 5 items
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM items LIMIT 5')
items = cursor.fetchall()

for item in items:

# Output
# (1, 'Apple', 0.99)
# (2, 'Banana', 0.59)
# (3, 'Cherry', 1.99)
# (4, 'Date', 2.99)
# (5, 'Elderberry', 3.99)

# Remember to close your connection

Dynamic Pagination

As your application grows, you’ll likely need more dynamic pagination where the page size and number can be varied by the user or application logic. Here’s how to implement such functionality.

# Define a function for dynamic pagination
def paginate_items(page, page_size):
    # Open the database and create a cursor
    connection = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # Calculate offset
    offset = (page - 1) * page_size

    # Execute query with dynamic LIMIT and OFFSET
    cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM items LIMIT ? OFFSET ?', (page_size, offset))
    items = cursor.fetchall()

    # Close connection after use

    return items

# Example usage
page = 1
page_size = 3
items = paginate_items(page, page_size)

for item in items:

# Output varies depending on page and size

Advanced Pagination Techniques

For more advanced scenarios, such as efficient navigation or handling large datasets, there are techniques to enhance performance and user experience.

One useful approach is to couple pagination with ‘window functions’ (available from SQLite version 3.25.0). These functions allow for more complex data handling, like numbering rows to gain insight into the dataset’s structure.

# Example using row_number() window function
connection = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()

    SELECT id, name, price, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY price) as rn
    FROM items

for row in cursor.fetchall():
    print(f'{row[0]}: {row[1]} - {row[2]} (Row Number: {row[3]})')

# Sample output might look like
# 2: Banana - 0.59 (Row Number: 1)
# 1: Apple - 0.99 (Row Number: 2)
# And so on, depending on your dataset.


Optimizing Pagination for Large Datasets

In dealing with vast amounts of data, efficiency becomes crucial. Techniques such as ‘keyset pagination’ or ‘seek method’ can radically improve performance over traditional offset-based pagination. Instead of using OFFSET, these methods operate by remembering the last item fetched and querying the next set of rows based on that item’s key value.

# Implementing keyset pagination (seek method)
connection = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
cursor = connection.cursor()

last_id = 5  # Assuming we've already fetched items up to this id.

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM items WHERE id > ? ORDER BY id LIMIT 5', (last_id,))

for item in cursor.fetchall():

# Output will vary based on your dataset.
# Remember, efficiency improves since there's no OFFSET calculation burden.



Pagination in database systems like SQLite3 can greatly improve the user experience by providing data in manageable chunks. Through Python, implementing these pagination strategies—from basic to advanced—can be done efficiently, enhancing both the performance and usability of your applications. By understanding and utilizing these concepts, you equip yourself to handle data-centric projects with greater competence and finesse.