Python: Using Faker to generate i18n random text

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we will dive deep into how to use Faker, a Python library, to generate internationalized (i18n) random text. Faker is a powerful tool for generating mock data, which is often needed for testing and development purposes. With its internationalization support, Faker allows developers to create realistic, locale-specific data, catering to global applications.

Getting Started with Faker

First, you need to install Faker if you haven’t done so:

pip install Faker

Once installed, you can start using Faker to generate random data.

Initializing Faker

To begin, import Faker and initialize it:

from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()

This creates a Faker instance with the default locale (‘en_US’).

Setting Locales

Faker supports multiple locales, allowing you to generate data that’s tailored to specific countries or regions. To initialize Faker with a different locale, pass the locale code to the Faker constructor:

fake = Faker('it_IT') # For Italian

You can also support multiple locales by passing a list of locale codes:

fake = Faker(['it_IT', 'en_US', 'ja_JP'])

With multiple locales, Faker randomly chooses a locale for each method call.

Generating i18n Text

Faker provides various methods to generate text, such as names, addresses, and more, in your selected locale(s). Here are a few examples:

  1. Names: To generate a name, use The output will be in the language of the currently set locale.
  2. Addresses: Use fake.address() to get a locale-specific address.
  3. Emails: You can generate an email with
  4. Text Blocks: Generate random text blocks using fake.text().

Here’s an example demonstrating how to generate various types of data in Japanese:

fake = Faker('ja_JP')

This code prints a Japanese name, address, email, and a block of text.

Custom Seed Values

For reproducibility in tests, you can set a seed value. This ensures that the generated data is the same across different runs:

fake = Faker('en_US')
print( # This will always print the same name for this seed and locale

Similarly, you can set a seed for an instance:

print( # This will always generate the same name for this seed

Using Faker With Different Locales

To emphasize the importance of internationalization, let’s explore how Faker can be dynamically adjusted to generate data for users from different locales, enhancing the realism of your test data.

Example: A Global User Base

Imagine you’re developing a platform with a global user base. Generating user profiles with names, emails, and addresses only in English might not reflect the diversity of your users. Here’s how you can use Faker to create a more realistic dataset:

locales = ['en_US', 'fr_FR', 'ko_KR', 'es_ES']
fake = Faker(locales)

for _ in range(10):
    print(f"Name: {}")
    print(f"Address: {fake.address()}")
    print(f"Email: {}

This code generates user data in multiple languages, enhancing the global feel of your application.


Faker is an incredibly versatile tool for generating internationalized mock data. Whether you’re developing web applications, testing database systems, or just need placeholder data, Faker’s i18n support can help create realistic, localized data sets. As we’ve seen, it’s straightforward to use, with extensive support for various data types and locales.

Utilizing Faker for generating i18n text is a step towards creating inclusive, global applications that cater to a diverse user base. Explore Faker’s documentation to discover the full extent of its capabilities and customize it to fit your development needs.