Python sqlite3: How to open a database in read-only mode

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


With the advent of Python 3, accessing databases in a more secure, efficient, and versatile manner has become easier. One of the notable enhancements involves the SQLite database library, sqlite3, particularly in how it supports opening databases in read-only mode. This capability is invaluable for applications where data integrity is paramount, preventing accidental modifications to the database. This tutorial delves into how to leverage this functionality, providing a suite of examples that illustrate progressive utilization from basic to advanced techniques.

Understanding sqlite3 in Read-Only Mode

In the past, opening an SQLite database in read-only mode required workarounds that weren’t inherently supported by the sqlite3 library. However, with modern Python, you can now explicitly access an SQLite database in read-only mode directly through the API. This is particularly useful for operations that require data to be read without the risk of altering it, such as analytics, reporting, or any application where maintaining the original state of the data is critical.

What You Need: Python 3.11, sqlite3 library (included with Python), and an SQLite database file.

Basic Usage

import sqlite3
    conn = sqlite3.connect('file:mydatabase.db?mode=readonly', uri=True)
    print("Successfully opened the database in read-only mode.")
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e:
    print("Error:", e)

This example demonstrates the simplest way to open an SQLite database in read-only mode using Python 3.11. The key is in the connection string: by appending ?mode=readonly to the database’s file path and setting the uri parameter of connect to True, we instruct sqlite3 to open the database without write permissions.

Executing Read-Only Queries

Once the database is opened in read-only mode, performing SQL queries operates as usual, with the exception that any attempt to modify the database will raise an error. Here’s how you can execute a select statement:

cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT name FROM users LIMIT 5")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:

In this segment, we demonstrate executing a basic query to retrieve data. This ensures your application can still functionally access and process data without the risk of unintended mutations to the database.

Advanced Techniques

Expanding on the fundamentals, let’s explore some advanced techniques that can further enhance your application’s security and reliability when handling databases in read-only mode.

Checking for Read-Only Mode

An essential part of using databases in a secure manner is ensuring that your connection truly is in read-only mode. You can programmatically verify this as follows:

readonly_check = 'PRAGMA query_only;'
cur = conn.cursor()
is_readonly = cur.fetchone()[0]
print("Is the database in read-only mode?", bool(is_readonly))

By querying PRAGMA query_only;, we can determine if our current connection is in read-only mode. This is crucial for applications that need to confirm they’re not inadvertently modifying data.

Using Context Managers for Database Connections

Another advanced technique involves utilizing Python’s with statement and context managers to automatically manage database connections. This ensures that resources are efficiently allocated and released, further supporting the integrity of your data access patterns. Here’s how it looks:

with sqlite3.connect('file:mydatabase.db?mode=readonly', uri=True) as conn:
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT name FROM users")
    print([row for row in cur.fetchall()])

This method not only simplifies the management of your database connections but introduces an automated mechanism for preserving the read-only state of your connections, among other benefits.


The ability to open an SQLite database in read-only mode is a significant addition in Python 3, enhancing the security and reliability of database operations. By following the demonstrated steps and employing these techniques in your projects, you’re well-equipped to manage your data in a safer, more controlled manner. Whether it’s for analytics, reporting, or preserving data integrity, leveraging sqlite3’s read-only capabilities can markedly benefit your applications.