MongoEngine: How to Perform Text Search

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB’s robust querying capabilities are one of its most attractive features, particularly its text searching functionality. When combined with MongoEngine, a popular Object Document Mapper (ODM) for working with MongoDB in Python, you can achieve efficient search functionalities in your application. This tutorial covers the basics of setting up a text search with MongoEngine, gradually transitioning to more complex queries and usage scenarios.

Getting Started

First, ensure you have MongoEngine installed in your environment:

pip install mongoengine

Once installed, connect to your MongoDB instance:

from mongoengine import connect
connect('your_db_name', host='localhost', port=27017)

Defining Your Documents

Let’s define a simple document class for a blog post:

from mongoengine import Document, StringField

class Post(Document):
    title = StringField(required=True)
    content = StringField(required=True)
    tags = StringField()

    meta = {'indexes': [{'fields': ['$title', '$content', '$tags'], 'default_language': 'english', 'weights': {'title': 10, 'content': 5, 'tags': 1}}}]}

This class definition includes a simple index setup for text searching. The ‘weights’ option prioritizes the relevance of the title over the content and tags.

Populating the Database

Before searching, let’s add some posts:

posts = [
    Post(title='MongoEngine and Text Search', content='Exploring the capabilities.', tags='mongoengine, search'),
    Post(title='Full Text Searching with MongoEngine', content='A deep dive into text search.', tags='fulltext, mongoengine'),
    Post(title='Optimizing MongoEngine Queries', content='Best practices for performance.', tags='optimization, database')

for post in posts:

Basic Text Search

To perform a text search, use the `search_text` method:

results = Post.objects.search_text('mongoengine').order_by('$text_score')
for result in results:

This query will return posts that contain the word ‘mongoengine’, ordered by their relevance.

Advanced Text Searches

Advancing a bit, you can also search for phrases or exclude words:

results = Post.objects.search_text('"deep dive" -optimization').order_by('$text_score')
for result in results:

In this query, posts containing the phrase “deep dive” but not the word ‘optimization’ are returned.

Using Text Search in Aggregation

For more complex queries involving aggregation, the `$match` stage can incorporate a text search:

from mongoengine import Document, StringField, connect
from mongoengine.queryset.visitor import Q

        '$match': {
            '$text': {
                '$search': "mongoengine",
                '$caseSensitive': False
        '$project': {
            'title': 1,
            'score': { '$meta': "textScore" }

This will not only match documents but also project a relevance score for further processing.

Error Handling and Debugging

While performing text searches, it’s possible to run into errors:

  • Ensure your text indexes are properly set up and match your query fields.
  • Verify your connection settings to the MongoDB server.
  • Check the syntax and case sensitivity of your search queries.

Taking these precautions can avoid common pitfalls and enhance the effectiveness of your search.


Text searching with MongoEngine provides a powerful tool to add search functionalities to your application. By starting with basic search setup and advancing to more sophisticated queries and aggregation, you can enhance user experience significantly. Remember to properly index your models and understand how text search scores can influence the relevance of your search results.